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Tuesday, February 22, 2022


I am always dancing
The Present too

Chris Skinner

Though I let a free rein — unrestricted liberty of action or decision — to my tragicomedy character
A matter of Perspective


"Pour moi, je suis comme Gille le niais qui fait ses petits tours à six pouces de terre, pendant que les voltigeurs dansent dans la moyenne région de l'air."
Lettre au baron de Constant, 9 août 1775 de Voltaire

Gilles du BLAISEL (Louis Marie Gilles du BLAISEL)
seigneur du Rieux, Ordre Royal et Militaire de Saint-Louis (Chevalier)

How do I see myself?
From the POV — physical or mental viewpoints — I only see observable parts
In the Psyché — the cheval glass — I contemplate an inversion of a projected lunisolar form.
In a "Jeu de Miroir" I can observe the full perception of the outsider.
In the eyes of the onlookers, I also sense a reflection.

Like all snakes shed their skin and so do lizards, so does the οὐροβόρος.
This shedding process is to allow further growth of the serpent's scales.
An expansion/inflation of sorts.
So when the volume of the sphere is sensed as too small or restrictive — as appears to be the case in Vladimir Poutine's Russia vs Ukraine question — the peripheric skin is discarded allowing inflation.

οὐροβόρος • circling the wagons,

from the practice of drawing the wagons of a wagon train into a circle to protect against attack,
and also keep cattle and other livestock within.
Prairie schooner
Conestoga wagon pulled by oxen
No Tigre in the two-stroke engine
 Relax Go to West 

In North America, during the mid-1800s many pioneers travelled west by wagon. Typically these were Conestoga wagons and they travelled west in a single file line known as a wagon train. At night the wagons would form a circle around their encampment and livestock for defensive reasons.

wagon train ⩸ wave
circle of wagon ⩸ particle
on the vast plains

A narrower perspective
A triangulation of sorts in order to figure out, represent the inputs  — forces into the field — of 元神

4  — 4th sign/symbol of the Vedic astrological system of representation, कर्क Karka 90° crab Cancer ਕਰਕ কর্কট ಕರ್ಕಾಟಕ કર્ક କର୍କଟ కర్కాటకము கடகம் കർക്കടകം Water चर Chara (易 movable) Moon Cancer The Crab Tegmen  — ζ Cnc 121.34°  — Leo 1.34° Zeta Cancri (ζ Cancri, abbreviated Zeta Cnc, ζ Cnc) is a multiple star system in the constellation of Cancer. It is approximately 83.4 light-years from Earth and has a combined apparent magnitude of +4.67. Since it is near the ecliptic, it can be occulted by the Moon and, very rarely, by planets. Zeta Cancri A (formally also named Tegmine, the traditional name of the Zeta Cancri system).

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