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Thursday, February 24, 2022


γῆ • M • s
As I wake up from rest@night
I do not jump into the old spacesuit
to instantly dive in the waters of the day
I let the inversion process slowly happen
I let the healing inputs of नटराज
Fully permeates this consciousness

These inputs are vital and mobile
― Because of the force applied into the ☷ field 
They regenerate or modify the 田 field
― Hence Healing 

Joseph Vargo
Thursday, February 24, 2022
"Don't think that there is any shortcut to peace or harmony,
save in correct living." 

ECRL 1901-1

道德經 第二十二章

夫唯不爭, 故天下莫能與之爭.
古之所謂曲則全者, 豈虛言哉.

Dàodé jīng Chapter Twenty-two — Ronald Hogan


Learn how to stand still
if you want to go places.
Get on your knees
if you want to stand tall.
If you want wisdom,
empty your mind.
If you want the world,
renounce your riches.
Push yourself until you're exhausted,
and then you'll find your strength.

You can go far
if you don't have anything to carry.
The more you acquire,
the less you can really see.

A Master takes this to heart
and sets an example
for everybody else.

She doesn't show off
so people take notice.
She's not out to prove anything
so people take her at her word.
She doesn't brag about herself
but people know what she's done.
She hasn't got an agenda
but people know what she can do.
She's not out to get anybody
so nobody can get in her way.

"Learn how to stand still
if you want to go places."
That's not as crazy as it sounds.
Get in touch with Tao,
and you'll see what I mean.

Dàodé jīng Chapter Twenty-two — Translated by 陳天聰 Tran Tien Cong

Chapter 22

"Bent but then whole.
Curled but then straight.
Empty but then full.
Worn but then new.
Little but then gain.
Much but then doubtful.
Therefore, the sage embraces the One and becomes an example for the world.
He does not make a show of himself, hence he shines.
He does not justify himself, hence he becomes known.
He does not boast of his ability, hence he gets his credit.
He does not brandish his success, hence he endures.
He does not compete with anyone, hence no one can compete with him.
Indeed, the ancient saying "Bent but then the whole" is not an empty word.
If you have really attained wholeness, everyone will flock to you."

Dàodé jīng Chapter Twenty-two — Translated by Arthur Waley


“To remain whole, be twisted!”
To become straight, let yourself be bent.
To become full, be hollow.
Be tattered, that you may be renewed.
Those that have little, may get more,
Those that have much, are but perplexed.
Therefore the Sage
Clasps the Primal Unity,
Testing by it everything under heaven.
He does not show himself; therefore he is seen everywhere.
He does not define himself, therefore he is distinct.
He does not boast of what he will do, therefore he succeeds.
He is not proud of his work, and therefore it endures.
He does not contend,
And for that very reason, no one under heaven can contend with him.
So then we see that the ancient saying “To remain whole, be twisted!” was no idle word;
For true wholeness can only be achieved by return.

Dàodé jīng Chapter Twenty-two — Translated by Jonathan Star, 2001,

Chapter 22

"Surrender brings perfection.
The crooked become straight
The empty becomes full
The worn become new
Have little and gain much
Have much and be confused
So the Sage embraces the One and become a model for the world
Without showing himself, he shines forth
Without promoting himself, he is distinguished
Without claiming the reward, he gains endless merit
Without seeking glory, his glory endures
The Sage knows how to follow so he comes to command
He does not compete so no one under Heaven can compete with him
The ancient saying, "Surrender brings perfection" is not just empty words
Truly, surrender brings perfection and perfection brings the whole universe."



  《說文》:「川,貫穿通流水也。《虞書》曰:『濬く巜,距川。』言深く巜之水會爲川也。凡川之屬皆从川。」675 字。


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