『先秦兩漢 • 儒家 • 論衡 • 道虛』
a deviated & diverted refutation of
道 Voie & Void 空
命 Vida & Vide 虛
Morphogenetic Resonance
We are conscious beings
in an electrocellular body
determined by the void in-between
or (the)
creates & terraforms
the electrocellular majestic compound
from which rises
pure or perverted consciousness
that readily or rebelliously
performs its duty
A totally Different Overview
Robert Monroe’s Different Overview.
From page 68 of Robert A. Monroe’s 3rd book, Ultimate Journey:
Again and again, the alien Human Mind began to express and demonstrate elements completely incompatible with the Earth Life System. These were: first, concern and empathy as to other members of the species; second, concern and empathy as to members of other species; third, a growing curiosity imposed on all participants in the system. History and philosophy are full of curiosity seekers and suspicious Human Minds. There has always been, as there is today, a very thin layer of human Minds who have the time and the energy to sit back and think. They have moved past the immediate need for survival effort.
How many are there? One in a thousand? One in ten thousand? In one hundred thousand? Instead of planning and plotting how to exploit their fellow species or to pull riches from the earth, these curious and suspicious Human Minds sought patterns beyond the Earth-Life System in themselves and others. They found enough to strike responsive chords in their own being, and they passed along what they found. The message was that human beings are more than mere animals living and dying in the Earth Life System.
Yet, to date, little has been achieved as a result, beyond such conceptions as hope, faith, guilt, simple belief, and a poorly defined collection of hints and suggestions under the general heading of love. So the species as a whole remains unfulfilled and restless.
This, then, is the Earth-Life System where we are now, and the state of Human Minds. These are the Knowns, and this is where we begin, according to our current scientific overview.
From page 185 of the same book:
There is a broad field of energy which for convenience is called (M). It is virtually unrecognized in our contemporary civilization. It is the only energy field common to and operational both within and outside time-space and is present in varying degrees in all physical matter. Because of the tendency of (M) to accumulate in living organisms, LIFE—or Layered Intelligence-Forming Energy—is a useful acronym for one band of the (M) Field spectrum.
In the Earth-Life System, (M) is present in greater concentration, ranging from “inert” matter through microorganisms to Human Minds. The variance and spectrum of (M) radiation are extremely wide by local standards, yet is only a small notch in the total breadth of the (M) Field.
All living organisms use (M) radiation to communicate. Animals are more aware of (M) radiation than humans, who, with few exceptions, have no awareness of it at all.
Thought is a much-used perturbation of (M), and emotions are bands of (M) adjacent to thought. Love is also a band of (M) adjacent to thought. Thought-induced phenomena, willful or autonomic, are side-band couplings of (M), and thought affects and modulates (M) radiation.
The introduction by humans of time-space forms of communication (speaking, writing, touching) greatly affected the need for and the growth of (M)-based information systems. Nevertheless, humans are subject to constant (M) input from other sources, including human sources, without the conscious knowledge of either sender or receiver.
The I-There is composed solely of (M), “There” being outside time-space but within the (M) Field. Humans who are not mind-active in time-space, who are phased out during sleep, unconscious, or otherwise, are operating in the (M) Field with a lesser phase relationship to the physical. Except for those proficient in the process, most are fully occupied with coping in the (M) Field and have no more awareness of (M) energy systems than they had in the physical environment. Those who are proficient in (M) techniques rarely find Earth Life System applications worth the effort. There is more excitement elsewhere.
Bonding effected during physical lifetimes is strictly (M) Field imprint. It continues between individual I-There clusters during any mind-consciousness state. Those who have moved completely out of phase with time-space—those who have died—may initially seek to retain contact with the Earth Life System. Their lack of skill precludes all but the most rudimentary attempts. After a short time by Earth standards, this communication drops low in priority. However, the new bonding from life experience does add to the interaction between I-There clusters. The stronger the bonding, such as a love of major proportions, the closer the continuing interaction between the clusters.
The influence of (M) Field thought radiation induced by Human Minds would be overwhelming were it not for the inherent phase relationship involved. As in consciousness phasing, the entire individual system of awareness is in phase—tuned in—with only parts of this radiation. If there is no alignment of a given frequency, there is no reception. (M) Field influence continues not only in time-space but also in (M) Field residence, temporary or permanent. Through experience, methods that prevent reception of undesirable thought radiation may be learned, often painfully. It is a matter of phasing. Shut off the alignment receptor thought-form and there is no influence. This holds true both in the physical and nonphysical environments.
Group thought, especially when it is primarily emotion-inducing, can be highly contagious, owing to the extreme amplitude of the radiation. Conversely, the organized (M) Field radiation of a single individual can if broad-banded enough, be many thousand times greater than that of the group. Whatever the source, reception can influence any mind and/or body that contains resonant receptors.
There is an internal factor of influence to include. Emotional thoughts have the capacity to instil signals into the physical body which may be misinterpreted. These can interfere not only with the physical DNA format but also with the I-There pattern. This interference is engendered unintentionally by the physical Human Mind manipulating the (M) Field. The results may vary from strong physical health through immunity, to severe illnesses, as well as their remission, placebos, “miracle cures,” to physical death.
Throughout human history, there have been those who have possessed degrees of control of their (M) Field thought radiation. In some cases, this was a product of synthesis by the personality cluster selected for that particular life experience. In others, the process was developed in the individual by an accumulation of residual thought radiation and translated into a working system. By control is meant the willful selection or rejection of incoming thought radiation through manipulation of receptor phasing. The quality and amplitude of the thought radiation expressed by these individuals were directed by the human mind-consciousness to serve planned purposes. The most apparent of these individuals history records as political and religious leaders. The most successful have gone unnoticed owing to the deliberate lack of continuity in their activities. The latter has the means to couple other (M) Field bands with that of thought to produce a variety of experiences within the receptor, to alter matter both in structure and form, and to vary time-space energy fields.
Expressions of a minor (M) Field control have abounded throughout recorded human history. They include medicine men, mind readers, witches, magicians, soothsayers, early kings and emperors, hypnotists, mediums, healers, psychokineticists, to mention only a few. Imitators without such control have been rife in every era.
The power of beliefs and belief systems lies in various manipulations of (M) Field energy. Your beliefs become Knowns when you recognize or experience this manipulation.
There are very few ways and means to learn control of (M) Field radiation within contemporary civilizations. This is because of the intense and near-exclusive preoccupation with time-space energies, especially those of the Earth-Life System. However, there is some evidence, collected from all over the world, of exploration of the (M) Field with productive results. It is likely that participants would agree that it is too little, too late, and this exploration is not likely to be a factor in the possible survival of human civilization in the current context.
Change does not mean anything at the symptom level, where it cannot work.
We must change our minds, not our behaviour, and this is a matter of willingness.
We do not need guidance except at the mind level.
Correction belongs only at the level where CHANGE IS POSSIBLE.
The forgiveness that leads to this experience must be done at the level of cause and not effect.
It is by forgiving the world that we shall awaken, and realize that we never left Heaven, and have remained exactly as we were — voidào — created, which is perfect spirit.
All else but this one thing is folly to believe.
In this ONE thought is everyone set free.
In this ONE truth are all illusions gone.
In this ONE fact is sinlessness proclaimed to be the central core of our beingness and the guarantee of our immortality.
In this ONE idea, we find salvation and EVERLASTING Peace, overcoming completely the sense of loneliness and abandonment all the separated ones experience.
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