Monday, February 14th, 2022
Day 45
Following the paths of the Void
In the books of the Literati, it is stated that 黃帝 Huángdì exploited the copper mines of 壽山 Mount Shòu, and out of the ore cast tripods at the foot of 鼎 the Jing Mountain. When the tripods were completed, a dragon with a long beard came down and went to meet 黃帝 Huángdì. 黃帝 Huángdì mounted the dragon. His whole suite including the harem, over seventy persons in all, mounted together with him, whereupon the dragon ascended. The remaining smaller officials, who could not find a seat on the dragon, all got hold of the dragon's beard, which they pulled out. 黃帝 Huángdì 's bow fell down. The people gazed after him until he disappeared into the sky. Then they hugged his bow, and the dragon's beard, and moaned. Therefore later ages named the place 鼎湖 Dǐng Hú (Tripod Lake) and the bow of the emperor 「烏號」 Wū Hào (Raven's Cry).
― translated by Albert Forke from 論衡ㄌㄨㄣˋ ㄏㄥˊ, the Disquisitions, Critical Essays, The Balanced Inquiries, Discourses Weighed in the Balance, by 王充 Wáng Chōng (27 – c. 97 AD)
Spirituality begins in the loins,
Ascends up the back,
And returns to the navel.
Spirituality is not just mental activity.
It is also an expression of energy.
The source of this energy is physical, rooted in the basic chemistry of the body. Self-cultivation refines this energy for spiritual attainment. Enlightenment, for a follower of Tao, is, therefore, a psycho-physical achievement: It is a state of being rather than mere intellectual understanding.
Once the energy is awakened through special exercises and meditations, the follower of Dào knows how to draw this energy upward. The force begins from the genitals and rises up the spine. On its way, it nourishes the kidneys, nerves, and blood vessels. When it passes the base of the skull, the nervous system and the lower parts of the brain are stimulated. Reaching the crown, this river of energy opens the entire subconscious potential of a human being. Descending downward, it nourishes the eyes, the senses, the vital organs. Cascading toward the navel, it returns us to our original state of purity. From there, it returns to the loins again, ready to be drawn into another circuit. Just as all existence operates on a continuum between gross physical matter and the most subtle levels of consciousness, so too does the follower of Tao utilize all parts of body, mind, and spirit for spiritual devotion.
365 道:Daily Meditations
鄧明道 Deng Ming-Dao
ISBN 0-06-250223-9
Dao De Jing Chapter Twelve ― Ron Hogan
Sight obscures.
Noise deafens.
Desire messes with your heart.
The world messes with your mind.
A Master watches the world
but keeps focused on what's real.
馳騁田獵, 令人心發狂.
難得之貨, 令人行妨.
"The five colours make a man's eyes blind;
Horseracing and hunting make a man's mind go mad;
Goods that are hard to obtain make a man's progress falter;
The five flavours make a man's palate dull;
The five tones make a man's ears deaf.
For these reasons, In ruling, the sage attends to the stomach, not to the eye.
Therefore, He rejects the one and adopts the other."
― Translated by Victor H. Mair, 1990, Chapter 12
第一章 歸敬三寶………………………………… 1──36
有海無邊際 世間多憂苦 流轉起還沒 何處是依怙
積聚皆銷散 崇高必墮落 合會要當離 有生無不死
國家治還亂 器界成復毀 世間諸可樂 無事可依怙
鬼神好凶殺 欲天耽諸欲 獨梵依慢住 亦非歸依處
歸依處處求 求之遍十方 究竟歸依處 三寶最吉祥
正法以為身 淨慧以為命 智月朗秋空 禮佛兩足尊
三世佛無量 十方佛亦爾 悲願來濁世 禮佛釋迦文
智圓悲無極 斷障無餘習 三德等究竟 方便示差別
丘井空聚落 朽故寂無人 彼岸林泉樂 禮法離欲尊
正法妙難思 善淨常安樂 依古仙人道 能入於涅槃
依法以攝僧 和樂淨為本 事和或理和 禮僧眾中尊
敬僧莫呵僧 亦莫衡量僧 隨佛修行者 住持正法城
三寶真實德 無漏性清淨 化世真亦俗 佛法得長存
自誓盡形壽 歸依佛法僧 至心修供養 時念諸勝利
此歸依最尊 此歸依最勝 不由餘歸依 得樂得安隱
所說歸依者 信願以為體 歸彼及向彼 依彼得救濟
若人自歸命 自力自依止 是人則能契 歸依真實義
― 印順法師佛學著作集
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