Wednesday, February 23, 2022 Always Actualising |
"To the subconscious, there is no past or future — all present. This would be well to remember in much of the information as may be given through such forces as these." ECRL 136-54 |
孔德之容, 唯道是從.
道之為物, 唯恍唯惚.
惚兮恍兮, 其中有象.
恍兮忽兮, 其中有物.
窈兮冥兮, 其中有精.
其精甚, 其中有信.
Dàodé jīng Chapter Twenty-one – Ronald Hogan
A Master stays focused on 道.
Nothing else, just 道.
But you can't pin 道 down--
you can't even see it!
How are you supposed to focus on something like that?
Just remember what 老子 said:
The universe began as a void.
The void fills with images.
Images lead to the creation of objects.
And every object has 道 at its core.
That's the way it's been,
ever since the world began.
How can I be so sure?
I just know.
Dàodé jīng Chapter Twenty-one – Translated by 唐子暢 Tang Zi Chang
"The capacity of Grand Virtues is obtained only by following 道.
Dao is a matter, even though it is indistinct and elusive.
It is elusive and indistinct, yet within it, All Images are formed;
It is indistinct and elusive, yet within it, All Things are created;
It is shadowy and obscure, yet within it, All Vitalities are produced.
Its own vitality is real and valid.
Throughout the past and present, the name of 道 has never been dropped.
It observes All Origins.
How do we know that All Origins are so?
By these observations."
Dàodé jīng Chapter Twenty-one – Translated by 鈴木 大拙 貞太郎, Suzuki Daisetsu Teitarō and Paul Carus, 1913
"Vast virtue's form
Follows Reason's norm.
And Reason's nature
Is vague and eluding.
How eluding and vague
All types including!
How vague and eluding,
All beings including!
How deep and how obscure.
It harbours the spirit pure,
Whose truth is ever sure,
Whose faith abides for aye
From of yore until today.
Its name is never vanishing,
It heeds the good of everything.
Through what do I know that "it heeds the good of everything"?
In this way, verily: Through it."
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