RAM Rote
A ROTE that Bob Monroe used to send to groups asking them to drop a line if they got information as to what it meant.
As it has many meanings within many occurrences.
Some said it is a symbol used by The Galactic Federation (beings from all over the galaxy working together for consciousness)
Or by the Spiritual Hierarchy.
As always, there are layers upon layers of meaning.
The intention of voluntary simplicity is not to dogmatically live with less. It is a more demanding intention of living with balance.
This is a middle way that moves between the extremes of poverty and indulgence.
— Duane Elgin, Voluntary Simplicity: Toward a Way of Life That Is Outwardly Simple, Inwardly Rich, Harper, January 5, 2010
執大象, 天下往.
往而不害, 安平大.
樂與餌, 過客止.
道之出口, 淡乎其無味.
Dàodé jīng — Translated by Trần Tiến Công
Chapter Thirty-five
Focus 34/35, described by Bob Monroe as “The Gathering”
"He who holds the great image will attract all things to him.
They flock to him and receive no harm, for in him they find peace, security and happiness.
Music and dainty dishes make a passing guest pause.
But being said in the words, the Way is tasteless, flavourless, not seen, not heard,
but it cannot be used up."
Dàodé jīng — Translated by J. H. McDonald, 1996
Chapter 35
"She who follows the way of the 道
will draw the world to her steps.
She can go without fear of being injured
because she has found peace and tranquillity in her heart.
Where there is music and good food,
people will stop to enjoy it.
But words spoken of the 道
seem to them boring and stale.
When looked at, there is nothing for them to see.
When listened for, there is nothing for them to hear.
Yet if they put it to use, it would never be exhausted."
Dàodé jīng — Translated by Alan B. Taplow, 1982
Chapter 35
"道 presence in mind,
Quietude, comfort and harmony appear.
As music pleasures the soul —
As fine food delights the senses —
Passing strangers take note, pause to enjoy.
Compare then the 道 -
Flavourless to the taste.
Unseen to the eye.
Unheard to the ear.
Tho' using it — it is inexhaustible."
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