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Friday, March 4, 2022


Inside Emptiness
inner void
空(शून्या śūnya, vacant)或空性(शून्यता śūnyatā or शून्यतासमाधि Śūnyatāsamādhi, void completion),是基本佛教術語。空性是內在而言,外在的顯示,即為空相。

Papilarnie IV, Janusz Jurek

नागार्जुन, Nāgārjuna — widely considered to be the founder of the Madhyamaka (中觀見 Zhōngguān Jìan, centrism, middle-way, शून्यवाद śūnyavāda, the emptiness doctrine) school of Buddhist philosophy and a defender of the Mahāyāna movement — 龍樹, to whom is the Mahāprajñāpāramitopadeśa《大智度論》the Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom, is attributed, presents some explanation:

《摩訶般若波羅蜜經》 Maha Prajna Paramita Sutra

內空 何等為內空?內法名眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意。眼眼空,非常非滅故。何以故?性自爾。耳耳空、鼻鼻空、舌舌空、身身空、意意空,非常非滅故。何以故?性自爾。是名內空。



In मूलाध्यामाकारिका the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā, "[A]ll experienced phenomena are सूर्य empty (śūnya). This did not mean that they are not experienced and, therefore, non-existent; only that they are devoid of a permanent and स्वभाव eternal substance (स्वभाव Svabhāva) because, like a dream, they are mere projections of human consciousness. Since these imaginary fictions are experienced, they are not mere names प्रज्ञप्ति (Prajñapti)."

Alex Grey, Consciousness

“When everyone is trying to be something, be nothing. Range with emptiness. Humans should be like a pot. As the pot is held by its emptiness inside, the human is held by the awareness of his nothingness…

It is not the decorations outside but the emptiness inside that holds us straight”.
― شمس تبریزی Shams-i Tabrīzī or Shams al-Din Mohammad (1185–1248) Persian Shafi'ite poet credited as the spiritual instructor of  جلال‌الدین محمد رومی, Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī also known as Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Balkhī (جلال‌الدین محمد بلخى) Mewlānā Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhi, or simply Rumi.

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