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Sunday, March 13, 2022

मी तो आहे
I Am That

In nature nothing is at standstill, everything pulsates, appears and disappears. Heart, breath, digestion, sleep and waking – birth and death – everything comes and goes in waves. Rhythm, periodicity, harmonious alternation of extremes is the rule. No use rebelling against the very pattern of life.
— श्री निसारगदत्त महाराज Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

श्री निसारगदत्त महाराज

The life force [प्राण Prāṇa] and the mind are operating [of their own accord], but the mind will tempt you to believe that it is "you". Therefore understand always that you are the timeless spaceless witness. And even if the mind tells you that you are the one who is acting, don't believe the mind. [...] The apparatus [mind, body] which is functioning has come upon your original essence, but you are not that apparatus.
— निसर्गदत्त महाराज, The Ultimate Medicine, (pp.54 – 70)

"Your mind projects a structure and you identify yourself with it. It is in the nature of desire to prompt the mind to create a world for its fulfilment. Even a small desire can start a long line of action; what about a strong desire? Desire can produce a universe; its powers are miraculous. Just as a small matchstick can set a huge forest on fire, so does a desire to light the fires of manifestation. (…)"
— निसर्गदत्त महाराज, "I am That." P.87.

निसर्गदत्त महाराज, Nisargadatta Maharaj, taught what has been called निसर्ग योग Nisarga Yoga (निसर्ग Nisarga refers to “natural state” and can be translated as "nature").

The Seven Principles of Nisarga Yoga (As identified by Nic Higham, 2018)
  1. Non-identification and right understanding
  2. Interest and earnestness
  3. Spontaneity and effortlessness
  4. Attentiveness to being
  5. Right action
  6. Going within to go beyond
  7. Awareness of Self

The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.
 Chapter 3, p. 119, The One-Straw Revolution (1975) 「自然農法・わら一本の革命」福岡 正信, Fukuoka Masanobu

福岡 正信

Alienation from nature and the loss of the experience of being part of the living creation is the greatest tragedy of our materialistic era. It is the causative reason for ecological devastation and climate change.
Therefore I attribute the absolute highest importance to consciousness change. I regard psychedelics as catalyzers for this. They are tools which are guiding our perception toward other deeper areas of our human existence so that we again become aware of our spiritual essence. Psychedelic experiences in a safe setting can help our consciousness open up to this sensation of connection and of being one with nature.  
It is my great concern to separate psychedelics from the ongoing debates about drugs, and to highlight the potential inherent to these substances for self-awareness, as an adjunct in therapy, and for fundamental research into the human mind. It is my wish that a modern Eleusis will emerge, in which seeking humans can learn to have transcendent experiences with sacred substances in a safe setting.
I am convinced that these soul-opening, mind-revealing substances will find their appropriate place in our society and our culture.
— Dr Albert Hofmann

Albert Hofmann, portrait by Bernd Brummbär

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