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Tuesday, March 1, 2022

De la pratique de la Multi-universalité



是以聖人常善救人, 故無棄人.
故無棄物, 是謂襲明.
故善人者, 不善人之師.
不善人者, 善人之資.
不貴其師, 不愛其資, 雖智大迷.

Dao De Jing Chapter Twenty-seven — Ronald Hogan


With enough practice,
you could come and go without a trace,
speak without stumbling over words,
do complicated math problems
in your head.

You could build a door with no lock
that nobody could open.
You could tie something down
with no knots,
without even a rope,
and nobody could pry it loose.

Masters have time to help everybody,
and ignore nobody.
They use their resources wisely,
wasting nothing.
Some people call this
"following the light."

Good people teach others
because they have the potential
to be good too.
Brains count for nothing
if you fail to respect your teachers
or to honour the potential in others.
That's one of the most important lessons of Tao.

Dao De Jing Chapter Twenty-seven — Translated by Red Pine, 1996


"Good walking leaves no tracks
good talking reveals no flaws
good counting counts no beads
good closing locks no locks
and yet it can't be opened
good tying ties no knots
and yet it can't be undone
thus the sage is good at saving others 
and yet abandons no one
nor anything of use 
this is called cloaking the light
thus, the good instruct the bad 
the bad learn from the good
not honouring their teachers
not cherishing their students
the wise alone is perfectly blind
this is called peering into the distance."

Dao De Jing Chapter Twenty-seven — Translated by Stephen Mitchell, 2006

"A good traveller has no fixed plans
and is not intent upon arriving.
A good artist lets his intuition
lead him wherever it wants.
A good scientist has freed himself of concepts
and keeps his mind open to what is.
Thus the Master is available to all people
and doesn't reject anyone.
He is ready to use all situations
and doesn't waste anything.
This is called embodying the light. 
What is a good man but a bad man's teacher?
What is a bad man but a good man's job?
If you don't understand this, you will get lost,
however intelligent you are.
It is the great secret."

Dao De Jing Chapter Twenty-seven — Translated by Edward Brennan and 黃濤 Tao Huang, 2002

"A good traveller leaves no tracks,
A good speaker is without flaw.
A good planner does not calculate.
A good doorkeeper does not lock, yet it cannot be opened.
A good knotter does not use binding, yet it cannot be undone.
Therefore, the sage is good at his earnest demands upon people.
So no one is left out. 
No talent is wasted.
This is called being in the tow of enlightenment. 
And it ensures the good person.
For everything that is good is the teacher of the good person.
Everything that is bad becomes the resource for the good person.
No need to honour the teachers. 
No need to love the resources. 
Though knowing this is a great paradox,
It is the subtle principle."

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