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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Saints are children



No constant of the heart to the sacred
but the people's intentions for core
Good to the good
Good to the unkind
Giving credit to the trusting
I support the unfaithful too
Virtuous trustfulness
聖人在天下歙歙, 為天下渾其心

Dao De Jing Chapter Forty-nine — Ronald Hogan


The Masters
don't make up their minds.
They turn their thoughts
to other people.

They are good to good people,
and they're good to bad people.
This is real goodness.

They have faith in the faithful,
and they have faith in the unfaithful.
This is real faith.

A Master throws himself
into the world completely,
forgetting everything he's been told.
People pay attention to him
because he lives a life of child-like wonder.

Dao De Jing Chapter Forty-nine — Translated by Octavian Sarbatoare, 2002

Chapter 49 

The Wise Person has no Ego, he identifies himself with the universe.
He is equally good with good or bad people.
His virtue is goodness.
He is equally honest with honest and dishonest people.
His virtue is honesty.
He sees everybody equally, living simply and in harmony.
He is like a mother with her children.
In his heart, he keeps the whole world.

Dao De Jing Chapter Forty-nine — Translated by Gai-Fu Feng and Jane English, 1989

Chapter 49 

The sage has no mind of his own.
He is aware of the needs of others.
I am good to people who are good.
I am also good to people who are not good.
Because Virtue is goodness.
I have faith in people who are faithful.
I also have faith in people who are not faithful.
Because Virtue is faithfulness.
The sage is shy and humble - to the world, he seems confusing.
Others look to him and listen.
He behaves like a little child.

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