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Sunday, March 27, 2022

Originally 閒, moonlight (月) peeking through a door (門) – interstice; space
         ➥⚋ idle; vacant; unoccupied; unused; leisurely & carefree

प्राणायाम Prāṇāyāma “Illuminated” Greg Dunn

प्राणायाम Prāṇāyāma according to हठ योग-प्रदीपिका the Haṭha Yoga-pradīpikā (chapter IV): “when ब्रह्म-ग्रंथ ब्रह्माग्रन्थि the Brahmāgranthi (in the heart) is pierced through by प्राणायाम prāṇāyāma, then a sort of happiness is experienced in the vacuum of the heart, and अनाहत Anāhata: "unstruck" the anāhat sounds, like various tinkling sounds of ornaments, are heard in the body”. And further, “in आरम्भ, “banning” the ārambha, a Yogī’s body becomes divine, glowing, healthy, and emits a divine swell. The whole of his heart becomes void”.
Source: Wisdom Library: योग • yóga
Prāṇāyāma (प्राणायाम, “restraint of breath”) is a Sanskrit word referring to “your energy”. It is one of the eight branches of yoga, also known as the eightfold path (अष्टाङ्ग aṣṭānga, अष्टाङ्गयोग: aṣṭāṅgayoga).

رباعی شمارهٔ ۱
باز آ باز آ هر آنچه هستی باز آ
گر کافر و گبر و بت‌پرستی باز آ
این درگه ما درگه نومیدی نیست
صد بار اگر توبه شکستی باز آ

 جلال‌الدین محمد رومی 
― Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī

Come, come, whoever you are.
Wanderer, worshipper, lover of living, it doesn't matter
Ours is not a caravan of despair.
Come even if you have broken your vow a thousand times,
Come, yet again, come, come.
As quoted in Rumi and His Sufi Path of Love (2007) by M Fatih Citlak and Huseyin Bingul, p. 81

باز آ باز آ هر آنچه هستی باز آ گر کافر و گبر و بت‌پرستی باز آ این درگه ما درگه نومیدی نیست صد بار اگر توبه شکستی باز 

Again, whatever you are, again, if you are an infidel, arrogant, and idolatrous, then again, this door of ours is not a door of despair, a hundred times, if you break repentance, open again.

東 逸子(あづま いつこ)Azuma Itsuko

“If I accept the lowest in me, I lower a seed into the ground of Hell. The seed is invisibly small, but the tree of life grows from it and conjoins the Below with the Above. At both ends, there is fire and blazing embers. The Above is fiery and the Below is fiery. Between the unbearable fires grow your life.

You hang between these two poles. In an immeasurably frightening movement, the stretched hanging welters up and down. We thus fear our lowest, since that which one does not possess is forever united with the chaos and takes part in its mysterious ebb and flow. Insofar as I accept the lowest in me — precisely that red glowing sun of the depths, the upper shining sun also rises. Therefore he who strives for the highest finds the deepest.” 

― Carl Gustav Jung, Red Book

Carl G. Jung, Painting, Red Book

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