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Monday, March 7, 2022

Flood & Refuge
⮮ 雷和山 ⮯
Solve & Coagula

Locally Revised

“It is written”
Isn't It?

Dr Irving Finkel holds a 3770-year-old tablet that tells the story of 𒀭𒂗𒆠 Enki — god of the waters — speaking to the Sumerian king 𒀜𒊏𒄩𒋀Atra-ḫasīs ('exceedingly wise' — the נֹחַ Noah figure in earlier versions of the flood narrative) and giving him instructions on how to build an ark which is described as a round 220 ft (67.056 metres) diameter coracle.

There are, systematically, events — we call accidents, catastrophes, ordeals or cataclysms — that interfere with daily life, short and long terms projects and the apparent trajectory. They occur so to correct a course, to force upon choices that were not made previously, when the issue was quite manageable. Often, those out of the blue occurrences are ultimately labelled fate, destiny, lot or مَكْتُوب‎ (maktūb), foreordained, 命運 as we fail to see we generated them.

 Le Bateleur, Matteo Arfanotti, 1974 Tarot, Italia

Like all and everything in the magnificent universe, we are mostly void — 99.9999999 per cent empty space — which space is never truly empty as it is actually full of a whole bunch of fine stuff that includes wave functions or invisible quantum fields that account for a rather misleading collection of empty spaces, on an empty planet, in an empty Universe.

The size of an atom is governed by the average location of its electrons i.e. how much space there is between the nucleus and the amorphous outer shell of that said atom. Nuclei are around 100,000 times smaller than the atoms that house them. If the nucleus were to be the size of a green pea, the atom would then be about the size of a stadium and shedding all the 'dead' space inside our atoms, each one of us would just fit into a particle of dust and the entire human species into the volume of a sugar cube. 

Our mass then comes from energy i.e. almost all the mass of human bodies comes from the kinetic energy of the quarks and the binding energy of the gluons.

While we are logged into what we claim as our bodies, what we really feel and interpret as being solid relies on the fact that we actually experiment with the electromagnetic force of our electrons pushing away the electrons of these other delimited, mind-identified entities. But as we log off and return to the mothership  — that presently occupies the exact same coordinates and simultaneously all the others too— we reach the impulse, the sourcing, the Governor and 元神. There — which is here, there and everywhere — is the corrector and editor, as well.

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