Ὄφις, Óphis,
& their Power
The story started with the introduction of AA, a tourist from space who became so intrigued by the flavour of life on the blue watery planet (s)he visited that (s)he decided to take a dip and give it a try. Much later would come in BB and RAM, all but one and the same.
Now, being an outsider and outlander, all these incarnations of her/him should not have been subjected to the common harvesting, if it not been for the addiction to the earth-life and the thereto relative loss of the perspective, the larger picture. Once the plunge is made, it is quite hard to dephase and the input of a lot of effort/force is necessary to regain the escape velocity.
Robert A. Monroe, in Far Journey, his first book on the OOBE subject — and within that ongoing process that would eventually lead to Ultimate Journey (Cf. the Earth LIFE, the acronym for Layered Intelligence Forming Energy, the system’s history as a manufactured Loosh farm based on carbon-oxygen life & physical beings (mobiles) — wrote about a production generated by humanity and being collected under the form of "Loosh" a term he coined along with his explorations through astral voyages where, upon interacting with nonphysical entities, he learned that this energy was so-called and that mankind was being farmed for it.
A common misconception about the Loosh harvesting often arises from people misquoting RAM or not giving the full extent of his report. Whereas Monroe did initially fall into a rather severe depression when he was made aware of this system, he later was shown exactly how and why this Loosh energy was being utilized and tried to express that reality the best he could however hard it was to put universal processes into a perspective that can be unequivocally communicated to and understood by human minds.
Accordingly, Earth was the creation of a "Someone" coming from "Somewhere" for the purposes of cultivating the Loosh harvest. Apparently, Loosh is of great value in Somewhere though relatively scarce and hard to come by. That Someone coming from Somewhere was the being/entity/intelligence that created the Earth-Life System that is in effect upon this very planet today. In the course of experimentation, it was discovered that Loosh was emitted in a very unrefined state as a natural by-product of the carbon/oxygen life cycle taking place on Earth.
In the earliest stages -- what we know of as single-celled aquatic lifeforms -- this unrefined Loosh could only be harvested in small quantities at the exact moment of death. Later experimentation brought about plants that were higher-order Loosh producers than the unicellular initial lifeforms; even later experiments yielded larger mobile animals that emitted better quality (though still unrefined) Loosh. The best quality Loosh was eventually found to be produced during the struggle-for-survival conflicts that took place between the smaller, less well-armed mobiles (that consumed the plants) and the bigger, stronger predators (that consumed the smaller mobiles). These were what are now called the dinosaurs.
Although these mobiles produced much better quality Loosh, they were found to be too large and too long in lifespan to be practical in the long term. In one single motion, Someone terminated the life spans of these creatures (i.e. the extinction of the dinosaurs event) and quickly replaced them with smaller and faster mobile units which resulted in even higher Loosh output.
As a side experiment, Someone also created a very different form of mobile -- humans. Although comparatively weak and ineffective, this variety of mobile could take energy from both plants and animals. Also, Someone pulled forth a Piece of Himself to act as a very unique catalyst. This new mobile would be subjected to a strong need for constant mobility, always seeking reunion with the Whole (in Somewhere) from which Someone came.
Although it came as a great surprise to Someone, it was from this side experiment that pure and distilled Loosh was found to be automatically created. It was generated when those units were in conflict with other units to protect their young offspring, and also generated in large amounts when they felt lonely. When one of these lonely units sensed the presence of Someone, it began to cry and generated large amounts of very high-order Loosh energy.
Someone then included this fundamental baseline in his formula: "The creation of pure, distilled Loosh is brought forth in humans by the action of unfulfillment, but only if such pattern is enacted at a vibratory level above the sensory bounds of the environment. The greater the intensity of said pattern, the greater the output of Loosh distillate."
This feeling of loneliness was also magnified by splitting all mobiles into two genders, ever seeking reunion with each other. The most common "tools" to promote the production of Loosh are things like love, friendship, family, greed, hate, pain, guilt, disease, pride, ambition, ownership, possession, sacrifice -- and on a larger scale, nations, provincialism, wars, famine, religion, machines, freedom, industry, trade, etc. Given this, it should be apparent that Loosh production today would be at an all-time high.
So, all of this carries the implication that the primary function of life here -- and especially of human life -- is to learn to be a very high-quality Loosh producer. This energy which we radiate has a very important function in various other levels of creation. This harvesting or farming is not a "negative" thing that we should rail against. It is in fact, the very purpose of our existence here. Without Someone, Somewhere, the Earth-Life System -- and we humans living within it -- would not exist. It also shows that what we view from our perspective as "negative" events, thoughts or emotions are all merely a part of the Loosh spectrum of radiation, and exalting the virtues of the perceived "positive" forms over the "negative" ones is wholly redundant. Suppressing "negative" feelings, as advocated by the "love and light" brigade, actually runs contrary to the design.
Additionally, whilst the concept of Someone from Somewhere would fit very neatly into human ideals of God and Heaven, Robert A. Monroe was told that Someone was a creator that was created, and that Somewhere itself is a system that was created.
Chicken or Egg
Gut or Brain
Visceral or Parietal
An egg born from the void and wrapped in the grid of the small and the large dragons (intestines)
Subject to intestinum pressure
Sending electrical messages via the vagus
Abode of an undifferentiated entity until the incarnation
And the Gender Choice
World egg, cosmic egg or mundane egg
Symbol of life and creativity
The earliest idea of the "cosmic egg" comes from some of the Sanskrit scriptures. The संस्कृत-, saṃskṛta, Sanskrit term for it is ब्रह्माण्ड Brahmāṇḍa which is derived from two words – ब्रह्मा 'Brahma' the 'creator god' in Hinduism and अण्ड, Aṇḍa that refers to an “egg”, symbolizing the “microcosm” (i.e., the Egg of Brahmā—the universe that is projected into the body)'. Certain पुराण, purāṇa, literally "ancient, old" Puranas such as the ब्रह्माण्ड पुराण, Brahmāṇḍa Purāṇa speak of this in detail.
The ऋग्वेद ṛgveda, from ṛc "praise" and Veda "knowledge" (RV 10.121) uses a similar name for the source of the universe: हिरण्यगर्भ, Hiraṇyagarbha, which literally means "golden fetus" or "golden womb" and is associated with the universal source Brahman where the whole of all existence is believed to be supported. The उपनिषद् Upaniṣads elaborate that the हिरण्यगर्भ Hiraṇyagarbha floated around in emptiness for a while, and then broke into two halves which formed द्यौष्पितृ, Dyáuṣpitṛ́, Dyaus (the Heavens) and पृथ्वी, pṛthvī, also पृथिवी, pṛthivī, 'the Vast One' (Earth). The ऋग्वेद ṛgveda, Rig Veda has a similar coded description of the division of the universe in its early stages.
Serpens Ophiūchus
Serpens (the serpent) struggles with Ophiūchus, ὀφιοῦχος ophioûkhos, “serpent-handler” for the crown (Corona Borealis @ Serpens Caput north) that is above its (Serpens) head.
Serpens, the 13th 'hidden' zodiac sign or Ophiuchūs, also known as the serpent-bearer, is a mysterious sign that has come to be known as "Wyvern" after the mythical dragon-horse hybrid. It was first suggested in 1996 by British astronomer John Taylor using computer models of the galaxy's core and anyone born between November 29 and December 17 would then be an Ophiuchus, neither a Scorpio nor a Sagittarius, instead of being referred to as "scorpionic."
Ophiūchus is one of the 12 constellations that make up the zodiac and Wyvern its hidden part, not so visible due to the fact that the centre of our Milky Way is not filled with dark, empty space but is instead packed with many billions of stars that are much smaller and cooler than our sun. It was first mentioned by Ptolemy in his Almagest book around 150 AD. He called it Serpens Cauda ("Serpent's Tail") which remains its common name today. However, earlier authors had named it Chamaeleon ("ploughman") or Ophius ("serpent").
In terms of mythology, Ophiūchus is associated with many figures including Apollo, Achilles, Hephaestus, Asclepius, and Osiris. It is also said to have taught men medicine. In addition, it is usually shown with its head bent down to touch the ground in humility.
The Orphic Egg is an ancient Greek symbol. It is an egg with a serpent wrapped around it. This egg represents the cosmic egg from which Φάνης Phánēs, a diety, was birthed. Φάνης Phánēs was the deity of procreation and life.
Ὀρφεύς Orpheús was a famous singer from Greek myth. He sang the Κέρβερος • Kérberos, Cerberus, to sleep so he could pass through ᾍδης Hā́idēs "that which is unseen" and rescue Εὐρυδίκη Eurudíkē (εὐρῠ́ς eurús, “broad” + δῐ́κη díkē, “justice”).
Φάνης Phánēs was created from the Orphic Egg. Phanes was a hermaphrodite, male/female, the deity of light and goodness. He was one of the first gods born of the watery abyss of time. He in turn created the other gods.
Eggs symbolize the unification of two complementary principles (represented by the egg white and the yolk) from which life or existence, in its most fundamental philosophical sense, emerges. The egg and snake represent the cosmos circled by the creative spirit.
Orphic egg
An ovoid vessel formerly used by alchemists for sublimation; an aludel (Medieval Latin aludel, from Arabic الأُثَال al-ʾuṯāl, “the sublimation vessel”).
— 1936, Rollo Ahmed, The Black Art, London: Long, page 130:
The vessel used for containing the necessary substances was egg-shaped; the matrix, or Orphic egg, is found at the base of all initiations.
Ylem, from Medieval Latin hȳlem, accusative of hȳlē (“matter, the fundamental matter of all things; the matter of the body”) (whence English hyle), a transliteration of Ancient Greek ὕλη (húlē, “wood; material, substance; matter”) is a hypothetical original substance or condensed state of matter, which became subatomic particles and elements as we understand them today. The term was used by George Gamow, his student Ralph Alpher, and their associates in the late 1940s, having resuscitated it from Middle English after Alpher found it in Webster's Second dictionary, where it was defined as "the first substance from which the elements were supposed to have been formed.
In modern understanding, the "ylem" as described by Gamow was the primordial plasma, formed in baryogenesis, which underwent Big Bang nucleosynthesis and was opaque to radiation. Recombination of the charged plasma into neutral atoms made the universe transparent at the age of 380,000 years, and the radiation released is still observable as cosmic microwave background radiation.
The idea of a scientific cosmic egg comes from a need to describe the consequences of Vesto Slipher's observation and Edwin Hubble's confirmation of an expanding universe; extrapolated backwards in time, it implies a finite starting-time and a small starting-place, from which the entire cosmos metaphorically hatched. The expansion contradicts the then-established conception of the universe as eternally old, with no start and no growth: Einstein's static universe.
In 1913, Vesto Slipher published his observations that light from remote galaxies was redshifted, which was gradually accepted as meaning that all galaxies (except Andromeda) receding from the Earth.
Alexander Friedmann predicted the same consequence in 1922 from Einstein's equations of general relativity, once the previous ad-hoc cosmological constant was removed from it (which had been inserted to conform to the preconceived eternal, static universe).
Georges Lemaître proposed in 1927 that the cosmos originated from what he called the primaeval atom.
Edwin Hubble observationally confirmed Lemaître's findings two years later, in 1929.
In the late 1940s, George Gamow's assistant cosmological researcher Ralph Alpher proposed the name ylem for the primordial substance that existed between the Big Crunch of the previous universe and the Big Bang of our own universe. Ylem is closely related to the concept of supersymmetry.
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