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Thursday, March 17, 2022


"In this version of death called life*"
I Am like
"Knock, knock, knockin' on Heaven's door**"

Ἶσις; Meroitic: 𐦥𐦣𐦯‎ Wos[a]

Mundane Thursday, March 17, 2022

"Opportunity — depends upon the use of same.
Every experience and condition is a useful experience,
and these are either made as stumbling-blocks or stepping-stones." 

Edgar Cayce reading 1424-2

XIIII — Temperance — V

Opportunity is 「易之」機會
Experience means Temperance
Stumbling-blocks or Stepping-stones are alibis


天下之至柔, 馳騁天下之至堅 
無為之益, 天下希及之。

道德經 Dao De Jing Chapter Forty-three — Ronald Hogan


The softest force in the universe
can overcome the hardest of objects.
Something without substance
can pass through the space between atoms.

That's how I know
about the power of doing nothing.

The silent teachings
and the power of doing nothing
can only be understood
by a few people.

道德經 Dao De Jing Chapter Forty-three — translated by Karl Kromal, 2002

Chapter 43  

"Under Heaven, the weakest things overcome the strongest.
Non-Being requires no Space.
I know this; that non-action has advantages which it teaches without words.
Seek to attain the benefits of non-action under Heaven."

道德經 Dao De Jing Chapter Forty-three — translated by 唐子昌 Tang Zi-Chang

Chapter 43

"The world's softest can over-run the world's hardest.
It comes from the unknown (non-existence) and it enters no space.
From this, we know how advantageous is non-interference!
Thus, education by non-preaching and the policy of non-interference
have merits with which nothing under heaven can compare."

道德經 Dao De Jing Chapter Forty-three — translated by Thomas Z. Zhang

Chapter 43 
"The most flexible wins out over the stiffest.
The shapeless can be omnipresent.
I know it is beneficial not to use brute force.
The best in the world teach without preaching, and act without using force."
* Bob Dylan, The Bootleg Series Vol. 8: Tell Tale Signs: Rare and Unreleased 1989–2006, Track 11."Huck's Tune" From the Lucky You soundtrack.
** "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" by Bob Dylan, written for the soundtrack of the 1973 film Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid.

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