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Tuesday, March 8, 2022

A Quest of Spin
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हिन्दू धर्म का शुभ चिन्ह

स्वस्तिक • (svástika) m
From सु- (sú, “good, well”) + अस्ति (ásti-), a verbal abstract to the root of the verb "to be", स्वस्ति svasti thus meaning "well-being" — and the diminutive suffix क (-ka); hence "little thing associated with well-being", corresponding roughly to "lucky charm".

The word first appears in the Classical Sanskrit (in the Ramayana and Mahabharata epics).
  • a kind of bard (who utters words of welcome or eulogy)
  • any lucky or auspicious object, especially a kind of mystical cross or mark made on persons and things to denote good luck; a swastika
  • the crossing of the arms or hands on the breast
  • a bandage in the form of a cross
  • a dish of a particular form
  • a kind of cake
  • a triangular crest-jewel
  • the meeting of four roads, a crossroad
  • a particular symbol made of ground rice and formed like a triangle (it is used in fumigating the image of दुर्गा durgā, and is said to symbolize the लिंग liṅga)
  • a species of garlic
  • cock
  • libertine
In 1979, प्रभात रंजन सरकार Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar also known as आनंदमूर्ति Ánandamúrti or बाबा Bábá ("Father") — a Sanskrit scholar — wrote that the deeper meaning of the word is ‘Permanent Victory’. He also said that like any symbol it can have positive and negative meanings depending on how it is drawn, regarded or thought of. In Hinduism, the right-hand swastika is a symbol of the God  विष्णु viṣṇu and the Sun, while the left-hand swastika is a symbol of काली kālī and Magic.

स्वस्तिक • svástika double-meaning

卍 Swastika

Spiritual Beginning for the Swastika

For Hindus and Buddhists in India and other Asian countries, the swastika has been an important symbol for many thousands of years and, to this day, a symbol that can still be seen in abundance — on temples, buses, taxis, and on the cover of books. It has also been used in Ancient Greece and Rome and can be found in the remains of the ancient city of Troy, which existed 4,000 years ago. The ancient Druids and the Celts also made use of it, reflected in many of the relevant and related discovered artefacts. It was used by Nordic tribes, and even early Christians used it as one of their symbols, the Teutonic Knights, a German medieval military order, which became a purely religious Catholic Order, included.

12,000 Years of Symbolism

The earliest swastika ever found was uncovered in Mezine, Ukraine, carved on an ivory figurine that dates back 12,000 years. One of the earliest cultures that are known to have used the Swastika was a Neolithic culture in Southern Europe, in the area that is now Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, known as the Vinca Culture, which dates back around 8,000 years.

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