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Monday, January 31, 2022

Monday, January 31,2022
February 1, 2022 — NEW MOON
@ 05:45
"What makes for change? Will!

ECRL 262-81

2022年立春節氣時間:公曆2022年02月04日 04:42
2022 New Year's Eve time: February 04, 2022,04:42
2022 Lunar New Year Date: fourth day of the first lunar month in the year of Renyin (Tiger)
1950年立春:公曆1950年02月04日 17:21
2046年立春:公曆2046年02月04日 00:33

2022 lunar calendar dates

🌑 New Moon on February 1, 2022, at 6:49 a.m.
🌓 First quarter on February 8, 2022, at 2:51 p.m.
🌕 Full moon on February 16, 2022, at 5:59 p.m.
🌗 Last quarter on February 23, 2022, at 11:54 p.m.
विधान • (vidhāna)


R Vaillant Couturier



LI䷲震 LII䷳艮

西Compass rose simple plain.svg


𐤂 • ג • Γ, γ • C, G
גִּימֶל • 𐤂𐤌𐤋 • γάμμα 
3 Rays 〜 Colours
3 Magi & 7 Camels
Τρεις Μάγοι και επτά καμήλες
  • בֵּלְשַׁאצַּר • Balthasar, Protector, from Ancient Greek Βαλτασαρ (Baltasar), from Hebrew בֵּלְשַׁאצַּר‎ (bēlšaṣṣar), attested in the Tanakh and the Old Testament (Daniel 5:1), from Akkadian 𒂗𒈗𒋀 (bēl-šarra-uṣṣur, literally “May Bel protect the king”).
  • גִּזְבָּר • (gizbár) Gaspar or Caspar (Jasper) Treasurer, borrowed from Old Persian *ganzabaraʰ (“treasure-bearer”), from Old Median *ganzabarah, from *ganzah (gnz “treasure” Persian غزنه‎ “Ghazni”) +‎ *barah (“bearer”), from Proto-Indo-European *bʰer- (“to bear”).
  • מלכיאור • Melchior, King of Light, from Hebrew מלכיאור‎ (“king of light”), from מלך‎ (“king” מֶלֶךְ, mélekh) + אור‎ ('ór “light”)




“八冥之內,細微之中,玉精流液,下鎮人身。泥丸絳宮,中理五氣,混合百神,十轉回靈。” “玉精流液,下鎮人身”是說與《內經》所說“腦為髓之海”相通,而這“玉精”與脊髓相通,對人的整個身體十分重要,所以說“下鎮人身”。“泥丸”和“絳宮”(心)一起,起到“混合百神,十轉回靈”的作用。又云:



拼音:ní wán gōng
拼音:ní wán gōng

解釋:道教謂“泥丸九真皆有房”,腦神名 精根 ,字 泥丸 ,其神所居之處為 泥丸宮 。後亦泛稱人頭。
出處:宋·李綱 《嘉禾道中遇夏侯子陽》詩:“年逾七十兩頰紅,真氣上泝泥丸宮。”《說岳全傳》第二八回:“那 兀朮 怒氣衝天,睜開二目,看著 阮良 ,大吼一聲,那泥丸宮內一聲響亮,透出一條金色火龍。”









瓜葉菊屬 Cineraria



    精為形之基,是人體生命的物質基礎,察受於先人而充喬十後天,故就其來源可分為先天之精與後天之精。 “元精”,即揩先天之精而言。元者,始也,元精是生命的捏源物質,並具有調節與主宰生殖、生民發育的作用。 《內經》中雖無“元精”一詞,但《靈樞·本神》“生之米,謂之精”、《靈樞·決氣》“兩神相搏,合而成形,常先身生,是謂精”,以及《靈樞·經脈》“人始生,先成精”之“精”,皆是指元精而言。
    先天之精與後天之精,在早期的有關“精氣神”論述中,並沒有嚴格區分開來,全內丹學興起,才有明顯的分別,“元精”一名始見乾丹書。 《古文參同契》說:“元氣之積厚而精英者,稱為元精”。此謂元精乃元氣之精華,實指先天無形之精氣,是產生後天形質之精的母氣。因此,元精雖是生命的起源物質,但又不等同於男女交媾的生殖之精。故《壽世傳真》說:“元精乃先天之精,非交媾之精”,《紫清指玄集》中也說:“其精不是交感精”,而是“根於父母未生前”。 《老子》所說“恍兮忽兮,其中有物;窈兮冥兮,其中有精,其精甚真,其中有信”,即指元精而言,因此元精又名“太極之精”、“天真”等。楊繼州指出:“人禀天地之氣以有生,而太極之精寓焉,此吾之所固有,而充塞於西間者也”(《針灸大成·腎臟圖》)。 《周易參同契》說:“元精眇難睹。”此精為先天無形之精氣,“摶之不得,視之不見,而能潛隨化機,生成萬物”(《周易參同契》彭曉注),但必須含於形質之精中乃能存。正如《玉清金笥寶錄》所說:“精雖元精,然無日用之精則元精不見。又如不信,譬如有水則潮生白氣,未聞白氣生於地也。水乃精也,白氣乃華也,“元精禀於先天,受之於父母而與生俱來。當父母陰陽之精結合,在母體內形成胚胎、構成身形後,元精亦已藏之於腎,成為維持生命活動的生要物質。生命誕生以後,此精又必須依賴後天水穀之精的充養,才能發揮生長、發育的作用。元精只有不斷得到後人之精的供養,才能逐漸充盈,當充盈至一定程度,才能具有繁衍後代、保持種族和個體恃持的能力。先天元精與後天水穀之精相互資生,密切相關。人在出生前,先天元精已為後天之精的加工、吸收、利用等準備了機能的物質基礎;出生之後,脾胃所化生的後天水穀之精,不斷輸送至五臟六腑,轉化為臟腑之精,臟腑之精充盛時,又輸歸於腎,以充養先天之精。此即《素問·上古天真論》所言:“腎者主水,受五臟六腑之精而藏之,故五臟盛乃能瀉。”無先天之元精則尤以生身;無後天水穀之精則無以養身。有精才有生命,無精則無生命;精足則生命力強,精虧則生命力弱。故《素問·金匱真言論》說:“夫精者,身之本也。”
    “元精”之名始於丹經,元精之論也詳於丹經,元精是內丹家修煉的上藥三品之一,元·陳致虛《上陽子金丹大要》說,“夫金液還丹之精……此乃先天地之精,卻為人之至寶……修仙之士,先明此精,既若明了,即可仙矣。”《性命圭旨全書》亦說:“煉精者,煉元精,抽坎中之元陽也。元精固則交感之精自不洩漏。”這不僅明確指出內丹上藥三品“精氣神”之“精”乃指元精而言,還論述了修煉之術及效應。 《類修要訣》亦有“元精足,不思欲”之論。 〈武術匯宗》進一步闡發說:“元精發於腎之元氣,從虛極靜篤生來,則精乃清;從妄念淫事中生來,則精乃濁。清濁之辨,不辨之於其精,而辨之於其神也。”認為神定志閒,所生為先天之精;稍動淫念,則所生為交感之精。故逆修之,後天可以返為先天;順引之,先天亦可洛入後天,故葆精者,貴在清心寡欲。宋·張伯端《青華秘文·神水華池說》稱元精穴為“華池”,“華池者,臍中氣穴之下,兩腎中間一竅。”逆升而上,則元精化為元氣而為內丹之母;順流而下,則元精化為形質之精而生男育女。並認為元精亦有賴於飲食之充養,故又說:“谷氣就此而生精”、“華池之竅,乃生精而降於腎者也。”



    人身元氣又你“原氣”、“真氣”,是存在於體內惟動生命活動的本原物質。 《難經·八難》說:“氣者,人之根本也,根絕則莖葉枯矣”,此即指元氣而言,故元氣廣義義簡稱為“氣”。 《靈樞·刺節真邪》說:“真氣者,所受於天,與穀氣並而允身者也”,此氣源於先天而養於後天,但狹義又專指禀受父母的先天之氣。在古典氣功文獻中,常把此“氣”字寫作“炁”,以示與後天之“氣”的區別。
元氣論認為,元氣是人的生命與天地自然統一的物質基礎,“大人生廠地,懸命於天,天地合氣,命之曰人”(《素問·寶命全形論》);元氣也是生命之源泉,“人之生,氣之聚也,聚則為生,散則為死”(《莊子·知北遊》);生命活動過程,即是元氣的消長變化及升降出入運動。 “人之生此由乎氣”(景岳全書》),“出入廢則神機化滅,升降息則氣立孤危”(《素問·六微旨大論》)。
    氣功學中所言元氣,多指先天之“炁”。此“炁”形成於受胎之先,先天細細蘊蘊,生於無形,又謂“原始祖炁”,是推動胎兒內呼吸(潛氣內轉)的循環動力;在人出生後,即“炁落丹田”,成為啟動臟腑經絡功能活動的原動力,並司理後天呼吸之氣、水穀之氣、營衛之氣、臟腑之氣、經脈之氣等。氣功學中所指先天之“傑”是潛藏的內氣,而後天之“氣”則著重指形於呼吸之氣(外呼吸),故《入藥鏡》注:“藏則為惹,形則為氣”。在人體,先天之“炁”與後天之“氣”密不可分。出生後“炁落丹田”,為“呼吸之根”,人在進行呼吸活動時,“先天元始祖炁未嘗不充溢其中。非後天之氣,無以見先天一炁之流行;非先天之炁,無以為後天一氣之主宰”(《入藥鏡》注)。內丹水中要求氣貫丹田,即以後天之“氣”接引先天之“炁”,發動任、督循環,以達到所謂“再立胎息”的效果。 《入藥鏡》聽說:“先天惹,後天氣,得之者,常如醉。”即指氣功狀態中二氣混合,呼吸綿綿,任督循環,身心酣暢的自我體驗。古代先賢通過幾千年的實踐證明,氣功鍛煉可以充實元氣、調理氣機,以達治病強身之目的,正如《素問·上古天真論》所說:“恬恢虛無,真氣從之,精神內守,病安從來。”養生家們並以“元氣論”為理論基礎,在實踐中逐漸總結出一整套行氣、養氣的方法和本式,以培補元氣、調暢氣機,有力地推動了氣功學的發展。



    神本原於先天父母之精。 《靈樞·本神》說:“生之來,謂之精,兩精相搏謂之神。”《靈樞·天年》又說:“血氣已和,榮衛已通,五臟已成。神氣舍心,魂魄畢具,乃成為人。”意即父母媾精結胎成形之後,神氣舍心才產生生命。此神為出生前尚未被後天所染之神,故當指元神而言。正如《性命圭旨全書》所說:“父母媾精之後,一點靈光……元從太虛中來者,我之元神也。”
    先天元神與後天識神、欲神的關係是對立統一的。 “欲神者,氣質之性也;無神者,先天之性也”;“元性微而質性彰”(《青華秘文》)。人在少、長、壯、老的過程中,質性日彰,元性日微,結果欲神將掩蓋元神,此乃“氣質之性勝本元之性”;若雜念紛壇則元神即退,摒除雜念則元神即現,此乃“念止神即來,念動神即去”(《養真集》)一般人先天元神為後天識神所蔽,晝思夜夢如雲遮月,因而元神隱退,識神常日主事。若能靜定歸一、無思無念,識神自然隱退,元神真性顯現,此即佛、道兩家之所謂見性。神本由心,心無為則元神之性現,心有為則欲神之性現,故張伯端說:“蓋心者,君之位也,以無為臨之,則其所以動者,元神之性耳;以有為臨之,則其所以動者,慾念之性耳。行為者,日用之心;無為者,金丹之用心也”(《青華秘文〉)。
    元神與元氣、元精的關係非常密切。 “元神見而元氣生,元氣生則元精產矣”(《青華秘文〉)。內丹修煉尤重元神,故《金丹四百字序》說:“煉神者,煉元神,非心意思慮之神。”內丹本的主導思想既為“返本還元”,故要求以先天制後天,從有為返無為,逐步消除氣質之性。只要“氣質盡而本無始見,本無見而後可以用事”;“以本元之性而用之,則氣力先天之氣也”;“先天之氣純熟,日用常行,無非本體矣,此得先天制後天無為之用也”(《青華秘文》)。從這一意義上講,氣功人靜的鍛煉過程,即為除欲神、煉元神的過程,這也是氣功效應的關鍵所在。
The inner voice — inside the Presence  inside the Mystery
A holonic perception involving something that is simultaneously a self-contained entity and a part of a larger system.


道生一,一生二,二生三,三生萬物。《道德經》 第四十二章
二生三「陰陽/人 ⇔ holons」,

Holism versus Orientation
समग्र (समग्रता) बनाम चुंबकीय
Holism and Evolution is a 1926 book by South African statesman, Field Marshal Jan Smuts, in which he coined the word "holism", although J. Smuts' meaning differs from the modern concept of holism. He defined holism as the "fundamental factor operative towards the creation of wholes in the universe."

Invisible Presence                      無/有
  • electron                            電子 (e•m•w)
  • proton                              質子 (composed of two up quarks and a down quark)
  • truly neutral particle        真正的中性粒子 (such as the neutral pion (π0)

Locally derived implications

A three-phase current (or voltage) system consists of three sinusoidal currents (or voltages) of the same frequency and the same amplitude which are out of phase with each other by a third of a turn, i.e. 2π⁄3 radians (or 120 degrees) in the case ideal. If the frequency is 50 Hz, then the three phases are delayed relative to each other by 1⁄150 seconds (6.6 ms). When the three conductors are traversed by currents of the same effective value and are phase-shifted by 2π⁄3, the system is said to be balanced.

In the case of electrical distribution, the network can be modelled by three sinusoidal voltage sources of identical amplitude, for example, 230 V rms in most European countries, presenting a phase angle of 120° between them. Ideally, the voltage of the three phases is constant and independent of the load, only the current of each phase should be dependent on the output power.

Due to the 120° phase shift, a network whose rms voltage between phase and neutral is 230 V will have a phase-to-phase voltage of:
Three-phase electric power (abbreviated 3φ)

Three Phase alternating current waveform. This figure illustrates one voltage cycle of a three-phase system, labelled 0 to 360° (2 π radians) along the time axis. The plotted line represents the variation of instantaneous voltage (or current) with respect to time. This cycle will repeat 50 or 60 times per second, depending on the power system frequency. The colours of the lines represent the American colour code for 120v three-phase. That is black=VL1 red=VL2 blue=VL3

The conductors between a voltage source and a load are called lines, and the voltage between any two lines is called line voltage. The voltage measured between any line and neutral is called phase voltage. For example, in a 208/120-volt service, the line voltage is 208 Volts, and the phase voltage is 120 Volts.

A three-phase distribution has 3 or 4 wires:

Three-phase conductors: the load is balanced if an identical current flows in each of the three phases. This is the case, for example, of three-phase electric motors.
A neutral conductor is not systematic but is often distributed because when a device does not consume an identical current on each of the phases, a residual current is produced, which the neutral conductor can evacuate in order to maintain the nominal distribution voltage on each of the three branches of the load.

Three-phase supplies have properties that make them desirable in electric power distribution systems:
  • The phase currents tend to cancel out one another, summing to zero in the case of a linear balanced load. This makes it possible to reduce the size of the neutral conductor because it carries little or no current. With a balanced load, all the phase conductors carry the same current and so can be the same size.
  • Power transfer into a linear balanced load is constant. In motor/generator applications, this helps to reduce vibrations.
  • Three-phase systems can produce a rotating magnetic field with a specified direction and constant magnitude, which simplifies the design of electric motors, as no starting circuit is required.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Níwán Palace

《認識道家之天眼》 泥丸宮與松果體
"Understanding Daoism's Heavenly Eye" Niwan Palace & Pineal Gland



20220204, Tiger year, Tiger month first day
Readying to engage the 犯太歲 ― 值太歲/本命年 challenge new-for-2022 (VI)
王牌 ― Triumph Tiger 1200 (III)
2022 changing of the Year Boss (from Ox to Tygre) marks the change of the season of the Great Year and represents an abrupt change of energy that is typical of the Tiger.
བོད་ཀྱི་ལོ་གསར།, Losar or lo-gsar, the Tibetan New Year-Losar 2022 festival falls on Thursday, March 3, 2022, as the Tibetan calendar ལོ་ཐོ, lo-tho is  as the Chinese one  lunisolar.
According to it, this year is the Year of the Water Tiger 2149.


元神 is the life’s resource centre

元神是道家修煉用語,概念類似靈魂及內丹術。道家以元神為主的修煉,是煉出內丹再成胎化為陽神,修道人經修煉的元神可離肉身外出遊走天地之間(元神出竅 ― OOBEs, out of the body experiences),甚至捨肉身而去而單守獨存在,或飛昇,或轉世。



"The primordial spirit is neither born nor perished, neither rotten nor corrupted. The true spirit is not a delusional mind"。「元神者,乃不生不滅,無朽無壞之真靈,非思慮妄想之心」《重陽注五篇靈文》

道教 believes that 元神在心窩進去約略一吋的地方, the 元神 Yuán shén is about an inch into the heart when 中醫 teaches that "The brain is the palace where the primordial spirit lives in the upper body. If a person can hold the primordial spirit and live in this palace, then the true 真氣 will rise and 真息the true breath will be self-determined. The so-called 一竅 one orifice opens. Then 百關 the hundred orifices are opened, the major gates are opened, and 百關 the hundred gates are fully opened."

元神出竅 ― Primordial spirit's OOBE


泥丸宮  Níwán Palace
249 泥丸宮是經絡的總司令部 推背34



心法, the inner secrets,


道 advocates a profound psychological and physical transformation ― and discipline the body and ‘still’ the mind ― through meditative practice. This relies upon the production of good behaviour and good thoughts, which are used to generate 德 ‘virtue’ in the mind, body and environment. Virtue is the crucial power behind all self-cultivation, regardless of religious path. Without virtue ― which is generated by the practice of strict self-discipline ― there can be no genuine self-cultivation. By strengthening virtue, 元神 ㄩㄢˊㄕㄣˊ – Yuán Shén, the original spirit can reveal Its Self, and the related states of ‘life’ and ‘death’ are reconciled and understood.

性命雙修, xìngmìng shuāngxiū, the method of developing the ‘life essence through mind and body’ self-cultivation is distinctly 道家的.

The purpose of 元神 is to provide us with the life force essence, the elements that it needs to keep us alive and give us a direction in life so that we can feel that we are here for a purpose, and do not desire to die or commit suicide.

Every day, we interact with the 元神 without realizing it. Awake here, we start to absorb all sorts of elements with our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, etc. It all turns into energy, memory, and these things are stored in our hearts. When we get tired, we go to sleep and our heart will dump its energy to the 元神 while exchanging for some fresh and clean pre-heaven energies from 元神. As we wake up, we feel “charged up” again and can function again, because that 元神 is like our power source, it fuels our life! This is what we call “龍氣” the "dragon energy"!

When we have a bad time in the day, or before our sleep, then we are sending that bad energy to the 元神, which gives the 元神 a rough meal. In return, we get something bad from it later too. In short, if we do not want 元神 Sun to harm us, then we shall not inflict duress upon 元神 by shoving in bad energies and such. Let us mind what we see, hear, eat, and so on. Our every action in this world counts!

Sometimes, 元神 is having issues and hiccups, such as 犯太歲 issue, that make us experience the effect in our earthly life.

龍門 “dragon gate”

龍 is one essence that gives birth to a bunch of following essences that then chain up in one line or unit — to another place — and give it the potential to grow and be born. 
龍, therefore, is the essence that passes down from 元神 the yuán shén to another place, which is to us here and 產生 gives us birth so that we grow. 龍門 the dragon gate is the doorway that opens up the door between the two sides – us and our 元神, which is 六維的靈魂the soul in dimension 6. In order to pass through dimension 6, we have to open up 五維 dimension 5, which is actually the 門戶 “doorway” to the here soul. In dimension 5, there is a lot of forces pushing downward because energy keeps flowing from 1 to 2 to 3 and downward to 9. In order to “open the gate” we have to go backwards in the stream, which is hard as there is a strong resistance force, just like trying to swim upstream in a river or walking backwards in an escalator, difficult but not impossible.
To open 龍門 is to open the soul body or more accurately, it is about opening and strengthening the bridge between us and our 元神, i.e. being able to connect the two and let the dragon flows down — meaning the essence from 元神 to come down — into our physical life our here body.
五維 is the entrance, a doorway, to the “陰” world, the inside of the universe, where 萬物, all things are being born. That doorway or "陰道" is always closed and actually, one has to go in and connect into the 陰 world, in order for the essence to flow in, or the dragon to go in and give birth to new life. That may not be easy as we look for our 元神 (spiritual planetary body) due to the fact that we are not so well connecting with it, at all times since we were born and we are not attached to it anymore. 元神 only beams energy to us once in a while though we transfer thoughts, feelings and emotions back through distance when we sleep. Concurrently, we are not attached to it and 元神 may send us a bunch of essences that can get lost in mid-air as our soul is weak (soul which is the middle agent that delivers packages to us).
元神 is the spiritual planetary body of a person

If 元神 cannot deliver its package to us, due to some issues with the soul or other factors such as “偷運魔法” “luck stealing magic” and such, then you are going to be“倒霉”, having “bad luck” a situation characterized by 官鬼煞. Having the earthly skills, doing things properly and yet not getting — accordingly — the expected results is mostly due to the fact that our potential — our 元神 — is not doing well. To guard our 元神 and make sure It flows nicely towards us, we need a special path — such as 三羅天師道 that combines the three essential elements of creation — that teaches us how to do that and also gives us the power that allows achievement. Humans, as they are now, are not born with this power, and consequently cannot reach their 元神 at will. 

元神 does hold our very potentials, but these are all “先天, pre-heaven” energies that do not translate into for instance lottery winning, easy money, or high-profile careers or any pot-heaven matters. However, they can be translated or converted to these things if they are properly used for the said subject. As the electricity emanating from the power plant, such is the pre-heaven matter in 元神 and it holds all the potential for appliances at home. Still, the power lines must first be hooked up and then home appliances must be acquired — to be plugged into sockets — in order for them to function and demonstrate their actual powers.

Having 元神 able to connect through 龍門 and into our soul is like having the power lines built to connect to our home’s exterior — important because it only then allow the potential to be delivered. After that is done, still we need to have our own appliances and have them plugged in properly in order to get the desired final results. In Daoism, once connected to 元神 — to get back or renew our potentials in the form of the Pre-Heaven energy — we still have to work, do our part in the physical world for the power to be injected into what we do —  for bigger potential success and result to come.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

"Each soul is a universe in itself." 

ECRL 1096-4 (²)


X vs XVIII (χξς/6.3)
Master of the Wheel of Karma versus Nera (turned-rogue) Empress (III) infatuated (VI) with Daemon (XV) as observed under The Moon (XVIII perceived by the mind)

कर्मन् (kármanact, action, performance)
Croupier (1657 cavalier croupier, Scarron, R. comique, II, 1, 1690 « associé secret dans un traité, une ferme » (Furetière). Dér. de croupe*; suff. -ier*; cf. a. fr. croupier « sédentaire, casanier [celui qui demeure assis] ») at the roulette (a game of chance) wheel.

Nera (Nigra/Antinéa from L'Atlantide, the monstrous Queen Antinea, a descendant of the rulers of Atlantis)
L'Imperatrice è la terza carta degli arcani maggiori dei tarocchi. Altri nomi: Madre celeste, Venere Urania, La Fecondità universale.
The Empress is the inferior (as opposed to nature's superior) Garden of Eden, the "Earthly Paradise". Arthur Edward Waite defines her as a Refugium Peccatorum — a 有名萬物之母 fruitful mother of thousands: "she is above all things universal fecundity and the outer sense of the Word, the repository of all things nurturing and sustaining, and of feeding others."

The Devil, from Latin Diabolus, ultimately from Ancient Greek διάβολος (diábolos, “accuser, slanderer” also ζάβολος zábolos), or as "Satan" (in Jewish/Christian usage, translating Biblical Hebrew שָׂטָן‎ śātān), from διαβάλλω (diabállō, “to slander”), literally “to throw across”, from διά (diá, “through, across”) + βάλλω (bállō, “throw”) derived in part from Eliphas Levi's famous illustration "Baphomet" in his Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie (1855). δαίμων (daímōn, “dispenser, tutelary deity”)

STRONGS NT 5516: χξς
χξς, six hundred and sixty-six (chi Χ = 600; xi Ξ = 60; sigma ς' = 6), a mystical number the meaning of which is clear when it is written in Hebrew letters, קסר נרון, i. e. Νέρων Καῖσαρ, 'Nero Caesar' (sometimes the Jews write קסר for the more common קיסר, the Syriac always rSK [], cf. Ewald, Die Johann. Schriften, ii., p. 263 note; (Schürer, N. T. Zeitgesch. edition 1, § 25 III., p. 449 note); נ (nun) = 50, ר (resh) = 200, ו (waw) = 6, נ (nun) = 50, ק (qoph = 100, ס (samekh) = 60, ר (resh) = 200): Revelation 13:18 R G T Tr. (For a digest of opinions respecting this much-debated number see Lee in the 'Speaker's commentary' at the passage.)

נירון קיסר
נֵירוֹן קְלַאוּדִיוּס קֵיסָר אוֹגוּסְטוּס גֶרְמָנִיקוּס (בלטינית: Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus;‏ 15 בדצמבר 37 - 9 ביוני 68) היה קיסר רומאי, החמישי והאחרון מהשושלת היוליו-קלאודית. הוכתר לקיסר בשנת 54, לאחר מות דוֹדהּ של אמו, שהיה גם אביו המאמץ, הקיסר קלאודיוס. יצא לו שם כאחד הראוותניים, המטורפים והאכזריים שבשליטי רומא מאז ומעולם. נירון הודח בשנת 68, ומסופר כי התאבד. בתקופת שלטונו פרץ ביהודה המרד הגדול. ... He came out there as one of the most ostentatious, insane and cruel of the rulers of Rome since time immemorial. Nero was deposed in 68, and is said to have committed suicide. During his reign, the Great Revolt broke out in Judea.

Nerō, from Proto-Italic *nēr (“man”), from Proto-Indo-European *h₂nḗr, whence Ancient Greek ἀνήρ (anḗr) from Proto-Hellenic *anḗr, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂nḗr. Cognates include Sanskrit नृ (nṛ́), नर (nára), and Old Irish nert, man (adult male) husband, human being, as opposed to a god.

John the Revelator in Revelation 13:18 made use of the 3-root Χ ξ ς or Greek for 666:

Ὧδε ἡ σοφία ἐστίν ὁ ἔχων τὸν νοῦν ψηφισάτω τὸν ἀριθμὸν τοῦ θηρίου ἀριθμὸς γὰρ ἀνθρώπου ἐστίν καὶ ὁ ἀριθμὸς αὐτοῦ χξς
― Stephanus Textus Receptus 1550

"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man, and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

From, The Mark of the Beast
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six.

יְהוֹשֻׁעַ (yehoshúa) perhaps from הוֹשֵׁעַ‎ (Hōšḗa) with the addition of יהוה‎ (YHWHYahweh), thus meaning "Yahweh is salvation," a male given name, equivalent to English Joshua like יְהוֹשֻׁעַ‎ (Yĕhōšúa), son of נְזִירָה Nun, leader of Israel following משה רבנו Moses; author of the Book of Joshua & קוראני Quranic ( قُرْآن‎ qurʾān, “act of reciting”), figure.
The name means "Yehowah's loud cry and call to freedom".
Christusmonogramm n (genitive Christusmonogrammsplural Christusmonogramme)
Christogram, especially the chi-rho symbol ().
1840: "Es sieht aus, wie wenn sich zwischen dem Christusmonogramm, χς, in der Mitte zeige — eine Schlange, das ξ" ("It looks as if there were, in the midst of the Christogram χς, a Serpent, the letter ξ") Th. F. J. Züllig, "Die Zahl 666" (viz. the Greek numeral χξς΄), Die Offenbarung Johannis vol. 2, p. 248

666 (in the Greek text of the New Testament: χξς΄) is a biblical number for "the Beast", found in the Book of Revelation of the New Testament. The original Greek reads as follows:

‘ο ’έχων τον νούν, ψηφισάτω τον ’αριθμον τού θηρίου· ’αριθμος-γαρ ’ανθρώπου ’εστιν, και ‘ο-’αριθμος-’αυτού χξς.
He who has understanding [or "a mind"] let him count the number of the beast: for a man's number it is, and its number [is] 666.

The number found in most manuscripts and modern translations of the Greek text is 666, although various modern studies show the number could be 616 based on Papyrus 115 from the third century. The most widely accepted theory connects the cryptogram of the Greek numerals to the letters of the alphabet since numbers in ancient Greek were represented by letters. Gematria, a type of cryptogram that assigns numerical values to alphabetic characters, is one form of these numerological exercises. The numeral 666 (DCLXVI in Roman numerals which like Greek represents numbers with alphabetic letters) in ancient Greek was represented as χξς Chi, Xi, and Vau. The mainstream consensus among biblical scholars is that 666 is a reference to the emperor Nero which, according to which language and schema one uses, can be rendered as either "666" or "616."

There are three different characteristics that distinguish the beast according to Revelation 13:16 to 18 - His mark (of authority), His name and the number of his name (666). It might be argued by some that 666 must be applied to one man's name and that this will then help identify him as the Antichrist. Others claim that the following verse shows that 666 need not apply solely to a man's name:

And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. (Rev. 19:16)

The same Greek word translated as name (ὄνομᾰ • ónoma) that appears in Revelation 13:17-18 is also used in chapter 19:16, so the word could possibly apply to a title, and not just one man's name.

 For the gematria value of Caesar Nero to equal 666, the Hebrew transliteration must be used (קסר נרון). However, this is a defective spelling for קסר, which is normally spelt קסיר (with a י in the middle). This would equal 676 instead of 666. There is only one Judean scroll fragment found at Murabba‘at which might have defective spelling. However, in his dissertation on Hitchcock notes that the fragment is missing the letters following the ק. Although the damaged scroll does not have space for the full spelling ק(סיר), it is also not indisputable that the missing letters are סר. Therefore, there is no clear testimony of Hebrew spelling Caesar as קסר. At the same time, as Hitchcock notes, in the Talmuds, Mishnah, Tosefta, and Tannaitic Midrashim, the spelling is full (קסיר).

It should also be noted that the o vowel in Nero (ו in נרון) has the potential to be defective and drop out. The fact that preterists assume Nero is spelt with its full letter form seems to be an example of selective bias.

 “First, if the proper name by itself will not yield it, add a title; secondly, if the sum cannot be found in Greek, try Hebrew, or even Latin; thirdly, do not be too particular about the spelling.… We cannot infer much from the fact that a key fits the lock if it is a lock-in which almost any key will turn.”

― Salmon, Historical Introduction, 230–31, Quoted in Beale, 721.

  • שמאן, šamán, сама̄н • (samān/шама̄н şamān – sh-dialects/хама̄н hamān – h-dialects) Evenki word possibly derived from the root ша- ("to know" “知道”) or probably from Sanskrit श्रमण (śramaṇa, “ascetic, monk, Sramana”) or Pali samaṇa, likely via Middle Chinese 沙門 (shāmén).
  • שָׂטָן, satan (holder, recipient of a localized divine knowledge perverted consequently).
  • ша (ša), 山 ㄕㄢ, root ша- (to know “知道”) borrowed from Hebrew ש‎, letter which originally depicted a composite bow, which usually has the tips curving away from the archer when unstrung.

שמאן שָׂטָן,

Silence  perSOuNdality-off


from Latin persōna (“mask; character”), of uncertain origin. Possibly from personō (“to sound through”); or from Ancient Greek πρόσωπον (prósōpon, “face; appearance; mask used in ancient theatre to denote a character or, more generally, a social role”); or from Etruscan 𐌘𐌄𐌓𐌔𐌖 (φersu). Doublet of person and parson.
πρόσωπον • (prósōpon)
  • face, visage, countenance
  • front
  • mask
  • character, part in a drama
  • appearance
  • person
πρός (prós, “towards”) +‎ ὤψ (ṓps, “eye”). The existence of Sanskrit प्रतीक (prátīka) indicates that this compound goes back to Proto-Indo-European *prétih₃kʷo-.

人物 ㄖㄣˊ ㄨˋ
पुरुष • (púruṣa)
ᏴᏫ  (yvwi)