The Electromagnetic Field of the human body is very small.
In fact, it is smaller than the EMF created by any of the electrical devices around humans, each day. There is also another key difference between the natural EMF produced by, for instance, a human being and the man-made EMFs that are produced via electrical devices; polarization, which is one of the concerns of the effects of electromagnetic fields on human health, i.e. the difference between natural EMFs and man-made EMFs. It appears that man-made EMFs tend to be polarized. Polarized EMFs are far more active than non-polarized EMFs. Polarized radiation causes a higher level of biological activity as the concentration of radiation can be intensified.
Animals, from tiny insects to large mammals, are able to detect magnetic fields. A trained dog can track down a magnet, and birds use the magnetic field of the earth when navigating huge distances during migration. While humans do not appear to have the ability to detect electromagnetic fields, the brain, in fact, does react to changes in the magnetic field around it.
Chronic disease is characterized by low voltage. The obvious question then becomes, why won't the battery packs hold a charge? Here, a number of factors can come into play. Among the most important are:
- Thyroid Hormones - The thyroid hormone T3 controls the voltage of cell membranes while T2 controls the voltage of the mitochondria. Hence, you need adequate T3 and T2 for things to work. "What I find is that basic to all chronic diseases is that you have to make sure you get the thyroid piece right, because if you don't, then nothing else tends to work correctly," J. Tennant says.
"One of the problems is doctors are trained to look at thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and sometimes T4. But TSH and T4 could be normal, but if you don't have the cofactors that it takes to convert T4 to T3, you're still hypothyroid at the cell level."
- Dental infections - As mentioned, voltage runs from the muscle battery out through the fascia to the organs. On the way, each muscle battery pack or meridian runs through a specific tooth. There are acupuncture meridian charts showing which meridian corresponds to which tooth.
According to Jerry L. Tennant, teeth act like circuit breakers, so if there is an infection in a tooth, it will lower the voltage, eventually turning the voltage off in that circuit. When that happens, the organs powered by that particular circuit will begin to malfunction.
- Scars - According to J. Tennant, scars can significantly inhibit or drain voltage. To treat scars, R. T. uses essential oils in combination with his proprietary device called the Biomodulator/Biotransducer. "Just put the Biotransducer over [the scar] until the magnetic fields are felt as gone away. That opens up the scar and now the voltage goes through it," he says. "It takes about three minutes and works great."
Emotions Create Distorted Magnetic Fields That Lower Voltage
Another really important factor that lowers your body voltage is stuck negative emotions. The body actually stores emotions as magnetic fields. J. Tennant explains:
"If you put a magnetic field in one of the body's circuits, it simply blocks the flow of electrons. So, what we found is that one of the most important things that start chronic disease is actually emotions. You can identify these emotional magnetic fields in a variety of different ways.
Work by Eileen McKusick and others have shown we're all surrounded by this magnetic field. It goes out about 5 feet ... [One of the things McKusick taught is we can take a tuning fork, strike it and we shall hear it hum.
As one moves it through the field, when it hits one of these areas of emotional distortion, its pitch goes deeper. One can actually hear it. If we can put a pendulum right where we find it, we will see the pendulum spins counter-clockwise if there is an emotional distortion there. It spins clockwise if there isn't."
To erase the aberrant magnetic fields caused by negative emotions, Jerry L. Tennant applies a stronger magnetic field using his Biomodulator, which not only can transfer electrons but also put out a variety of waveforms, including scalar energy.
Treating Macular Degeneration
Today, J. Tennant no longer practices general ophthalmology. The only eye problems he treats are macular degeneration and glaucoma, using voltage-based techniques. The macula is on the stomach meridian. "The reason people get macular degeneration is that they lose the minus 50 millivolts they need to make new cells every 48 hours," he says. "As those cells wear out, they can't get replacements."
To address it, we need to determine why there is deficient voltage in the stomach meridian. Also, it is needed to make sure the body is given all the materials needed to replace those macular cells. Nerve cells are 50 per cent cholesterol by weight, so it is nearly impossible to reverse macular degeneration while sitting on a statin drug, as there will not be enough cholesterol in the system.
Other important nutrients are animal-based omega-3 fats and fulvic acid, typically sold as "fulvic trace minerals," which provides vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
"Fulvic acid is a primary control of cell membranes because it's one of the few substances that can be either plus or minus, as it needs to be," Jerry Tennant explains. "When we take that, it provides the things we need. Of course, there's research coming out now that shows not only does it correct mineral deficiencies, but it begins to help with the way our intestinal cells interlock, and so on.
Also, fulvic acid is a great way to get rid of heavy metals because [it goes] inside the cell, grabs the metal, pulls it out, hands it off to the humic, which then takes it out of your body. In intravenous chelation, the chelating materials can only get to extracellular things, because they won't go inside the cells where almost all the metals reside."
Astaxanthin, a potent antioxidant, can also be quite beneficial. Since the macula replaces itself every 48 hours, people with dry macular degeneration may start noticing results in as little as three or four days, provided you've addressed the nutritional component as well. In many cases, J. L. Tennant has been able to restore vision to within the normal reading range.
Wet macular degeneration is more difficult, as the bleeding causes scarring and new cells cannot eliminate the scar. In these cases, the goal is to stabilize the disease and prevent further deterioration.
Treating Glaucoma
To treat glaucoma, you have to treat the liver/gallbladder circuit, as the optic nerve is on the liver/gallbladder meridian. "The optic nerve replaces itself every eight months if it has the 50 millivolts to do it," he says. "What you'll find in every glaucoma patient is that the polarity in the liver meridian has dropped down past zero, so it's an electron stealer instead of an electron donor."
You also need to treat the sympathetic system, which controls lymphatics, because the outflow channel of your eye is part of the lymphatic system. So, "to fix glaucoma, you look at both the sympathetic and parasympathetic and figure out why that's not balanced, and then you fix the liver/gallbladder circuit," Tennant says. Since it takes eight months to replace the optic nerve, it takes longer to notice results when treating glaucoma. Also, you're also more likely to merely stabilize the disease than reverse it.
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