πλᾰ́σμᾰ • plásma• 等離子• A state of matter consisting of partially ionized gas and electrons
Four elementary principles and Quintessence (Quinta essentia • αἰθήρ • (aithḗr)
In the introduction to كتاب سر الحلوكة the Book of the Secret of Creation is a story that explains in particular that "all things are composed of four elementary principles, four elemental forces, hot, cold, 溼 『坤/坎』wet and 乾 『離 = (火) 』dry" (the four qualities of Aristotle), of which the combinations explain the "relations of sympathy and antipathy between beings".
حق لا شك فيه صحيح
إن الأعلى من الأسفل والأسفل من الأعلى
عمل العجائب من واحد كما كانت الأشياء كلها من واحد بتدبير واحد
أبوه الشمس ، أمه القمر
حملته الريح في بطنها، غذته الأرض
أبو الطلسمات، خازن العجائب، كامل القوى
نار صارت أرضا اعزل الأرض من النار
اللطيف أكرم من الغليظ
برفق وحكم يصعد من الأرض إلى السماء وينزل إلى الأرض من السماء
وفيه قوة الأعلى والأسفل
لأن معه نور الأنوار فلذلك تهرب منه الظلمة
قوة القوى
يغلب كل شيء لطيف، يدخل في كل شيء غليظ
على تكوين العالم الأكبر تكوّن العمل
فهذا فخري ولذلك سمّيت هرمس المثلّث بالحكمة
إن الأعلى من الأسفل والأسفل من الأعلى
عمل العجائب من واحد كما كانت الأشياء كلها من واحد بتدبير واحد
أبوه الشمس ، أمه القمر
حملته الريح في بطنها، غذته الأرض
أبو الطلسمات، خازن العجائب، كامل القوى
نار صارت أرضا اعزل الأرض من النار
اللطيف أكرم من الغليظ
برفق وحكم يصعد من الأرض إلى السماء وينزل إلى الأرض من السماء
وفيه قوة الأعلى والأسفل
لأن معه نور الأنوار فلذلك تهرب منه الظلمة
قوة القوى
يغلب كل شيء لطيف، يدخل في كل شيء غليظ
على تكوين العالم الأكبر تكوّن العمل
فهذا فخري ولذلك سمّيت هرمس المثلّث بالحكمة
Superiora de inferioribus, inferiora de superioribus,
prodigiorum operatio ex uno, quemadmodum omnia ex uno eodemque ducunt originem, una eademque consilii administratione.
Cuius pater Sol, mater vero Luna,
eam ventus in corpore suo extollit: Terra fit dulcior.
Vos ergo, prestigiorum filii, prodigiorum opifices, discretione perfecti,
si terra fiat, eam ex igne subtili, qui omnem grossitudinem et quod hebes est antecellit, spatiosibus, et prudenter et sapientie industria, educite.
A terra ad celum conscendet, a celo ad terram dilabetur,
superiorum et inferiorum vim continens atque potentiam.
Unde omnis ex eodem illuminatur obscuritas,
cuius videlicet potentia quicquid subtile est transcendit et rem grossam, totum, ingreditur.
Que quidem operatio secundum maioris mundi compositionem habet subsistere.
Quod videlicet Hermes philosophus triplicem sapientiam vel triplicem scientiam appellat
prodigiorum operatio ex uno, quemadmodum omnia ex uno eodemque ducunt originem, una eademque consilii administratione.
Cuius pater Sol, mater vero Luna,
eam ventus in corpore suo extollit: Terra fit dulcior.
Vos ergo, prestigiorum filii, prodigiorum opifices, discretione perfecti,
si terra fiat, eam ex igne subtili, qui omnem grossitudinem et quod hebes est antecellit, spatiosibus, et prudenter et sapientie industria, educite.
A terra ad celum conscendet, a celo ad terram dilabetur,
superiorum et inferiorum vim continens atque potentiam.
Unde omnis ex eodem illuminatur obscuritas,
cuius videlicet potentia quicquid subtile est transcendit et rem grossam, totum, ingreditur.
Que quidem operatio secundum maioris mundi compositionem habet subsistere.
Quod videlicet Hermes philosophus triplicem sapientiam vel triplicem scientiam appellat
Really definitely undoubtedly
That the bottom is from the top and the top is from the bottom
Work wonders from one by one measure, as things arose from one substance
His father is the sun and his mother is the moon
The wind carried him in her belly, and the earth fed him with its frankincense
Abu Talisman's, keeper of wonders, full of powers
If it becomes earth, isolate the earth from the gentle fire
More generous than the thick
Gently and wisely, it ascends from the earth to the sky and descends to the earth
Accept the power of the highest and the lowest
Because you have the light of lights, so the darkness will flee from you
power strength
Overcome everything nice, overcome everything thick
At the discretion of the world's largest
This is my honour, and that is why I called Hermes the Triangle with the worldly wisdom
« Il est vrai, sans mensonge, certain, & très véritable : Ce qui est en bas, est comme ce qui est en haut ; et ce qui est en haut est comme ce qui est en bas, pour faire les miracles d'une seule chose. Et comme toutes les choses ont été, & sont venues d’un, par la médiation d’un : ainsi toutes les choses ont été nées de cette chose unique, par adaptation. Le soleil en est le père, la lune est sa mère, le vent l’a porté dans son ventre ; la Terre est sa nourrice. Le père de tout le telesme de tout le monde est ici. Sa force ou puissance est entière, si elle est convertie en terre. Tu sépareras la terre du feu, le subtil de l’épais doucement, avec grande industrie. Il monte de la terre au ciel, et derechef il descend en terre, & il reçoit la force des choses supérieures et inférieures. Tu auras par ce moyen la gloire de tout le monde ; et pour cela toute obscurité s’enfuira de toi. C'est la force forte de toute force : car elle vaincra toute chose subtile, et pénétrera toute chose solide. Ainsi le monde a été créé. De ceci seront & sortiront d'admirables adaptations, desquelles le moyen en est ici. C’est pourquoi j'ai été appelé Hermès Trismégiste, ayant les trois parties de la philosophie de tout le monde. Ce que j’ai dit de l'opération du Soleil est accompli, et parachevé. »
An imaginative 17th-century depiction of the Emerald Tablet from the work of Heinrich Khunrath, 1606
"سر الخلق وفن الطبيعة" Sirr al-khalīqa wa-ṣanʿat al-ṭabīʿa ("The Secret of Creation and the Art of Nature"), also known as كتاب الحلال the Kitāb al-ʿilal ("The Book of Causes") is an encyclopedic work on natural philosophy falsely attributed to Apollonius of Tyana (c. 15–100, Balīnūs or Balīnās). It was compiled in Arabic in the late eighth or early ninth century but was most likely based on (much) older Greek and/or Syriac sources.
No matter how we would like to organise, categorise the matter — dark or not — the anti-matter and all the energy of the whole cosmos, what we see and observe — whether locally or globally, whether here, there or everywhere — is not what is.
The galaxies are enclosed in gas plasma clouds of which neutral and ionized ones are sometimes also called diffuse clouds. All are organised accordingly with the operative interactions of the four elemental forces. And what works at the cosmic level does to at the level of any organism.
Depending on which of these four the lead is given, life unfolds accordingly.
The Weak works as शिव śivá, the god of destruction and transformation, by decay and intervenes in nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.
The EM force is विष्णु, lit. 'the pervader', Viṣṇu, also known as "The Preserver" that above the unification energy, on the order of 246 GeV, merges with the Weak force as शिव śivá, into a single power.
The Strong, the binder, is ब्रह्म Brahman (an n-stem, nominative bráhmā, from a root bṛh- "to swell, expand, grow, enlarge").
In Weak Mode, it can be nicknamed "Loser".
In Strong Mode, it can pretend to be a "Winner".
None of these qualifier terms matters, none of the clothes we wrap ourselves in does.
Le Roi est toujours nu et pourtant pas un tant qu'il ne s'est pas défait des travestissements intérieurs.
內丹 Nèi dān, 中詞語“內丹”注音為ㄋㄟˋ ㄉㄢ,拼音為 nèi dān,意思是道家指以自身為鼎爐,以身中的精、氣為藥物,用心神運轉精、氣在體內所結成的丹。相對於煉製礦石藥物為金丹的外丹而言。內丹今屬氣功學。
二十八宿 Èrshíbā Xiù, the Twenty-Eight Mansions are part of the Chinese constellations system. They can be considered as the equivalent to the zodiacal constellations in Western astronomy, though the Twenty-eight Mansions reflect the movement of the Moon through a sidereal month rather than the Sun in a tropical year. Ancient Chinese astronomers divided the sky ecliptic into four regions, collectively known as 四象 the Four Symbols, each assigned a mysterious animal. They are 青龍 — the Azure Dragon — on the east, 玄武 — the Black Tortoise — on the north, 白虎 — the White Tiger — on the west, and 朱雀 — the Vermilion Bird — on the south. Each region contains seven mansions, making a total of 28 mansions. These mansions or 宿 xiù correspond to the longitudes along the ecliptic that the Moon crosses during its 27.32-day journey around the Earth and serve as a way to track the Moon's progress. In Daoism, they are related to 28 Chinese generals. The names and determinative stars of the mansions are:
四象 (Four Symbols) | 宿 (Mansion) | |||
Number | Name | Translation | Determinative star | |
東方青龍 — Dōngfāng Qīnglóng (Azure Dragon of the East) Spring | 1 | 角 (Jiǎo) | Horn | α Vir |
2 | 亢 (Kàng) | Neck | κ Vir | |
3 | 氐 (Dǐ) | Root | α Lib | |
4 | 房 (Fáng) | Room | π Sco | |
5 | 心 (Xīn) | Heart | α Sco | |
6 | 尾 (Wěi) | Tail | μ Sco | |
7 | 箕 (Jī) | Winnowing Basket | γ Sgr | |
北方玄武 — Běifāng Xuánwǔ (Black Tortoise of the North) Winter | 8 | 斗 (Dǒu) | (Southern) Dipper | φ Sgr |
9 | 牛 (Niú) | Ox | β Cap | |
10 | 女 (Nǚ) | Girl | ε Aqr | |
11 | 虛 (Xū) | Emptiness | β Aqr | |
12 | 危 (Wēi) | Rooftop | α Aqr | |
13 | 室 (Shì) | Encampment | α Peg | |
14 | 壁 (Bì) | Wall | γ Peg | |
西方白虎 — Xīfāng Báihǔ (White Tiger of the West) Fall | 15 | 奎 (Kuí) | Legs | η And |
16 | 婁 (Lóu) | Bond | β Ari | |
17 | 胃 (Wèi) | Stomach | 35 Ari | |
18 | 昴 (Mǎo) | Hairy Head | 17 Tau | |
19 | 畢 (Bì) | Net | ε Tau | |
20 | 觜 (Zī) | Turtle Beak | λ Ori | |
21 | 参 (Shēn) | Three Stars | ζ Ori | |
南方朱雀 — Nánfāng Zhūquè (Vermilion Bird of the South) Summer | 22 | 井 (Jǐng) | Well | μ Gem |
23 | 鬼 (Guǐ) | Ghost | θ Cnc | |
24 | 柳 (Liǔ) | Willow | δ Hya | |
25 | 星 (Xīng) | Star | α Hya | |
26 | 張 (Zhāng) | Extended Net | υ¹ Hya | |
27 | 翼 (Yì) | Wings | α Crt | |
28 | 軫 (Zhěn) | Chariot | γ Crv |
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