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Friday, January 21, 2022

Friday, January 21, 2022
"All have some psychic powers." 

ECRL 2954-1*


䷷  ䷝
旅  離
56 No•Mad w/in the Grid 30
Experiencing Lame Energy Traveller

Reminder: 20220117 70 Courcelles 75017 2048 (56/XI/Scoot/Notary
"Meditation"  “觀”變成“井”   "The Well"
Actualisation of the Resurgent Resources drawn from the Meditation

易經觀卦#20變為井卦#48, 共有3條變卦

In this changing hexagram, both the upper and lower trigrams are transformed from #20 to #48.

Contemplation. The ablution has been made,
But not yet the offering.
Full of trust they look up to him.
, the beginning hexagram #20 is built from the upper trigram of ☴ (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind, positioned above ☷ (坤 kūn) field, the lower trigram of Earth.
The second transformed hexagram, #48, is built from a newly transformed upper trigram of ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = (水) Water positioned above a newly transformed lower trigram of ☴ (巽 xùn) ground = (風) Wind.

Changing line #2
Contemplation through the crack of the door.
Furthering for the perseverance of a woman.
"Peering From a Doorway"- The limited perspective of a doorway suggests an inability to see the greater picture. Events have forced one's thinking into a small perspective in which tiny issues appear far larger than they are. If one breaks away from such a limited perspective, the true relative importance of things will become clear.

Changing line #3
Contemplation of my life
Decides the choice
Between advance and retreat.
"Between forwarding and Backward"- This changing line close to the centre of this hexagram indicates a place of change and transition. Steps forward or backwards are equally possible here. No judgement is made between either direction here, and so the answer ultimately comes from meditation and personal insight.

Changing line #6
Contemplation of his life.
The superior man is without blame.
"Contemplation of All Life"- This line at the top of the hexagram references meditation in the greatest sense: an awareness of all things, all people and all life. The wisest of people can step back from immediate affairs and perceive the shape of the greater universe. It is through this understanding that the ultimate success can be achieved.

Oracle Hexagram Away from the 8 Puits Gaillot
The Well. The (LuG) town may be changed,
But the well cannot be changed.
It neither decreases nor increases.
They come and go and draw from the well.
If one gets down almost to the water
And the rope does not go all the way,
Or the jug breaks, it brings misfortune.
An inexhaustible supply of water and sustenance are referenced by this hexagram. This is a time to make good use of all our resources. But if the well seems to have run dry, or the supply cannot be accessed, the solution lies in banding together with others for the good of all. This is a time to group together despite differences. It is time to draw from the well of knowledge. Let life itself sustain us. The wise person knows that despite superficial differences, we are all the same on the inside. Let us draw our sustenance from the entire kingdom. Good can come from anywhere and everywhere.

* 29
《易經》 Yi Jing: Le livre des changements
Paperback – February 1, 2012
French Edition  by Cyrille J.-D. Javary (Author), Pierre Faure (Author).
Here is what 29 reads there: “The name of this hexagram is formed by two characters: 習 + 坎. 
習 figuratively shows the situation of the little bird, still in the nest, but pushed by its mother to leave the nest into the void, because it has to discover the art of flying, or how to be carried by this void. This image is used to express the idea of ‘learning by repeating’. 
坎 figuratively expresses the idea of a place where solid ground disappears under our feet, thus provoking a sudden sense of fear and anxiety.
習 & 坎 together show that when vertigo paralyses, it is by action we have to react. Daring to advance, is the tool to prevent inertion to take over. When we doubt our possibilities, we can discover, buried deep down in ourselves, unsuspected possibilities when we dare to engage.” And it continues with a beautiful translation of “Movement brings honour”: ‘Agir amène à se surpasser’ or: ‘To act leads to surpass oneself’. Translating always is a kind of interpretation of course, but Javary & Faure’s view on 29 is an eye-opener and helps a lot. In a way, the image of this little bird appealed, because it overcomes the fear of flying simply by suddenly discovering it is its reason of being, it was printed in its DNA. Our deepest fears sometimes lead the way to discover/uncover our reason of being, that which makes us unique.
《易經》55 being 薛麗娟
Receiving ䷵、歸妹 卦、54 often reflects a very insecure, frustrating situation. But although this is a change unasked for — that cannot be controlled — it could still be bringing something of value. ‘Marriage’ ("Converting the Maiden" or "the marrying maiden") can also mean finding one's own place and fulfilling one's destiny. The moving lines will show where to find one own self in this new situation: if line 5 is among them, then great things can grow from here.
Line 1
The marrying maiden as a concubine.
A lame man who is able to tread.
Undertakings bring good fortune.
² 跛能䷉履 (10/"Treading")
Lame yet assuming, ascending / Crippled and able-bodied
3assemble, collect, levy/phenomenon, symptom
徵吉Auspicious collect
䷶ the Harmonious 豐 55  is seen/married as 娣 (54-1)
By a condescending lame man (yet מענטש‎, mentsh, “an honourable person”) who assumes and ascend.
They collect good fortunes.
Lejos de Los Chinos
Far from the Madding Crowd
Away from the dun of Lug and the puits-gaillot (, or ∞)
➥ gaillot s. m. Flaque.
➥ Bougre d'âne, tu m'as encore tout cochonné ta paire de pantalons en faisant peter tes ripatons dans les gaillots d'eau.
A Lyon, dans le quartier des Terreaux, est une rue Puits-Gaillot, certainement en souvenir d'un puits autour duquel se formait de nombreux gaillots.
➥ Dérivé de gaule avec le suffixe -ot.
➥ Relatif à Moiremont, commune de la Marne, en France.
➥ (Lorraine) (Vieilli) Bâton, gourdin

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