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Saturday, January 29, 2022


Emperor 秦始皇 was born in the year of the tiger.
He is known as 秦虎 ― the Tiger of Qin ― for his energy and determination.

Once again getting ready to ride the tiger.
The dark, watery Panthera tigris which zodiac sign is a symbol of strength,
exorcising evils, and braveness.

Silence is not free to the local partitionist.

In a loud and distracting world, finding pockets of stillness is a pure benefit for the brain and the body. Transmuting them back into the original 鼎 matrix is salvative. 

It goes with the translation of the energy output of speeches and songs to the stilling of the EM local field and the relative and relevant opening of a meta field, a new, enlarged matrix.

In many hagiographies or local iconographies, one is depicted as अर्हत् the arhats अरहंती, 阿羅漢, the other as a many-arm goddess such as दुर्गा, Durgā, created by the gods to defeat महिषासुर राक्षस the demon Mahiṣāsura, who could be only killed by a female, victory which is marked today by the Hindu विजयादशमी (vijayādaśamī) festival. दुर्गा Durga is seen as a motherly figure and often depicted as a beautiful woman, riding a lion or tiger, with many arms each carrying a weapon and often defeating demons.

देवी Goddess or बोधिसत्त्व bodhisattva, “enlightened existence” working compassionately for the enlightenment of all sentient beings belongs to the 陰 realm, where 陽 comes as second ― a mother's helper of sorts― and 震 gives way to 艮 as the entity revisits 鼎 her proper, natural dispositions.

Silence is efficiency.

Silence is Pure Presence.

Silence is marked by the desegregation of any and all the separatist regional forces.

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