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Sunday, January 30, 2022


20220204, Tiger year, Tiger month first day
Readying to engage the 犯太歲 ― 值太歲/本命年 challenge new-for-2022 (VI)
王牌 ― Triumph Tiger 1200 (III)
2022 changing of the Year Boss (from Ox to Tygre) marks the change of the season of the Great Year and represents an abrupt change of energy that is typical of the Tiger.
བོད་ཀྱི་ལོ་གསར།, Losar or lo-gsar, the Tibetan New Year-Losar 2022 festival falls on Thursday, March 3, 2022, as the Tibetan calendar ལོ་ཐོ, lo-tho is  as the Chinese one  lunisolar.
According to it, this year is the Year of the Water Tiger 2149.


元神 is the life’s resource centre

元神是道家修煉用語,概念類似靈魂及內丹術。道家以元神為主的修煉,是煉出內丹再成胎化為陽神,修道人經修煉的元神可離肉身外出遊走天地之間(元神出竅 ― OOBEs, out of the body experiences),甚至捨肉身而去而單守獨存在,或飛昇,或轉世。



"The primordial spirit is neither born nor perished, neither rotten nor corrupted. The true spirit is not a delusional mind"。「元神者,乃不生不滅,無朽無壞之真靈,非思慮妄想之心」《重陽注五篇靈文》

道教 believes that 元神在心窩進去約略一吋的地方, the 元神 Yuán shén is about an inch into the heart when 中醫 teaches that "The brain is the palace where the primordial spirit lives in the upper body. If a person can hold the primordial spirit and live in this palace, then the true 真氣 will rise and 真息the true breath will be self-determined. The so-called 一竅 one orifice opens. Then 百關 the hundred orifices are opened, the major gates are opened, and 百關 the hundred gates are fully opened."

元神出竅 ― Primordial spirit's OOBE


泥丸宮  Níwán Palace
249 泥丸宮是經絡的總司令部 推背34



心法, the inner secrets,


道 advocates a profound psychological and physical transformation ― and discipline the body and ‘still’ the mind ― through meditative practice. This relies upon the production of good behaviour and good thoughts, which are used to generate 德 ‘virtue’ in the mind, body and environment. Virtue is the crucial power behind all self-cultivation, regardless of religious path. Without virtue ― which is generated by the practice of strict self-discipline ― there can be no genuine self-cultivation. By strengthening virtue, 元神 ㄩㄢˊㄕㄣˊ – Yuán Shén, the original spirit can reveal Its Self, and the related states of ‘life’ and ‘death’ are reconciled and understood.

性命雙修, xìngmìng shuāngxiū, the method of developing the ‘life essence through mind and body’ self-cultivation is distinctly 道家的.

The purpose of 元神 is to provide us with the life force essence, the elements that it needs to keep us alive and give us a direction in life so that we can feel that we are here for a purpose, and do not desire to die or commit suicide.

Every day, we interact with the 元神 without realizing it. Awake here, we start to absorb all sorts of elements with our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, etc. It all turns into energy, memory, and these things are stored in our hearts. When we get tired, we go to sleep and our heart will dump its energy to the 元神 while exchanging for some fresh and clean pre-heaven energies from 元神. As we wake up, we feel “charged up” again and can function again, because that 元神 is like our power source, it fuels our life! This is what we call “龍氣” the "dragon energy"!

When we have a bad time in the day, or before our sleep, then we are sending that bad energy to the 元神, which gives the 元神 a rough meal. In return, we get something bad from it later too. In short, if we do not want 元神 Sun to harm us, then we shall not inflict duress upon 元神 by shoving in bad energies and such. Let us mind what we see, hear, eat, and so on. Our every action in this world counts!

Sometimes, 元神 is having issues and hiccups, such as 犯太歲 issue, that make us experience the effect in our earthly life.

龍門 “dragon gate”

龍 is one essence that gives birth to a bunch of following essences that then chain up in one line or unit — to another place — and give it the potential to grow and be born. 
龍, therefore, is the essence that passes down from 元神 the yuán shén to another place, which is to us here and 產生 gives us birth so that we grow. 龍門 the dragon gate is the doorway that opens up the door between the two sides – us and our 元神, which is 六維的靈魂the soul in dimension 6. In order to pass through dimension 6, we have to open up 五維 dimension 5, which is actually the 門戶 “doorway” to the here soul. In dimension 5, there is a lot of forces pushing downward because energy keeps flowing from 1 to 2 to 3 and downward to 9. In order to “open the gate” we have to go backwards in the stream, which is hard as there is a strong resistance force, just like trying to swim upstream in a river or walking backwards in an escalator, difficult but not impossible.
To open 龍門 is to open the soul body or more accurately, it is about opening and strengthening the bridge between us and our 元神, i.e. being able to connect the two and let the dragon flows down — meaning the essence from 元神 to come down — into our physical life our here body.
五維 is the entrance, a doorway, to the “陰” world, the inside of the universe, where 萬物, all things are being born. That doorway or "陰道" is always closed and actually, one has to go in and connect into the 陰 world, in order for the essence to flow in, or the dragon to go in and give birth to new life. That may not be easy as we look for our 元神 (spiritual planetary body) due to the fact that we are not so well connecting with it, at all times since we were born and we are not attached to it anymore. 元神 only beams energy to us once in a while though we transfer thoughts, feelings and emotions back through distance when we sleep. Concurrently, we are not attached to it and 元神 may send us a bunch of essences that can get lost in mid-air as our soul is weak (soul which is the middle agent that delivers packages to us).
元神 is the spiritual planetary body of a person

If 元神 cannot deliver its package to us, due to some issues with the soul or other factors such as “偷運魔法” “luck stealing magic” and such, then you are going to be“倒霉”, having “bad luck” a situation characterized by 官鬼煞. Having the earthly skills, doing things properly and yet not getting — accordingly — the expected results is mostly due to the fact that our potential — our 元神 — is not doing well. To guard our 元神 and make sure It flows nicely towards us, we need a special path — such as 三羅天師道 that combines the three essential elements of creation — that teaches us how to do that and also gives us the power that allows achievement. Humans, as they are now, are not born with this power, and consequently cannot reach their 元神 at will. 

元神 does hold our very potentials, but these are all “先天, pre-heaven” energies that do not translate into for instance lottery winning, easy money, or high-profile careers or any pot-heaven matters. However, they can be translated or converted to these things if they are properly used for the said subject. As the electricity emanating from the power plant, such is the pre-heaven matter in 元神 and it holds all the potential for appliances at home. Still, the power lines must first be hooked up and then home appliances must be acquired — to be plugged into sockets — in order for them to function and demonstrate their actual powers.

Having 元神 able to connect through 龍門 and into our soul is like having the power lines built to connect to our home’s exterior — important because it only then allow the potential to be delivered. After that is done, still we need to have our own appliances and have them plugged in properly in order to get the desired final results. In Daoism, once connected to 元神 — to get back or renew our potentials in the form of the Pre-Heaven energy — we still have to work, do our part in the physical world for the power to be injected into what we do —  for bigger potential success and result to come.


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