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Friday, January 21, 2022

䷀ 乾 ㄑㄧㄢˊ, "Force" & ䷁ 坤 ㄎㄨㄣ, "Field"
Force Field
Connected Idle
Spacious Space
Bonding & Repelling
Unison & Silence
The human body creates EM fields
— it is the only way it can possibly exist as a coherent entity.

Humans are an electric field — a giant electric field that holds their atoms together, and that uses other electric fields to talk to other bits of themselves.
Human bodies are made up of cells, which are made up of atoms. And atoms are mostly empty space. An atom is a centralized region of extreme density and positive charge (the nucleus), surrounded by a region of standing ‘probability waves’ which describe the wave function of the electron.
Every atom has its own electric field, and when two atoms get close together, they can mess around with the electric field of the other.
In some circumstances, this “messing around” is what leads to atomic bonding — the atoms and their electrons “find a way” to coexist in a way that minimizes their mutual energy, and they resist being pulled apart. This is what is interpreted as an atomic bond.
But sometimes, it means they just bounce off each other. The two electron fields repel each other, and the atoms go flying apart.
Everything physically experienced occurs because bodies are surrounded by their own personal force field, and the insides of these bodies contain electrical generators, which in turn are used to send signals through those bodies.
Virtually every single process which is keeping humans or animals alive can be traced back to an electric field that some component of their body is creating. Eyes are intercepting the electromagnetic radiation and we are constantly outputting a low-level radiation field in the infrared region, and turning that into yet more electrical signals.                                                                    ➥ 姻緣紅線
So, when one experiences the connection between two parts of two different entities — two human bodies for instance  it is actually the electrons of the first repelling those in the second.
This repulsion obviously then causes a chain reaction with all the other atoms in the first body, which are all mutually interacting with each other, and they all repel in unison from the blow from the second one (that is also the reason why the first does not atomize into trillions of atoms)
Specialized sections of a human body then generate electrical signals, which are fired along other specialized sections of that body, into a really specialized section of the said body — which results in a cascade of electrical signals being transmitted through the entire unit.

the unified fundamental force that combines the aspects of electricity and magnetism and is one of the four fundamental forces. (technically it can be unified with weak nuclear to form electroweak)
  • Electric charges are sources of electric fields.
  • Magnetic charges are sources of magnetic fields.
  • An electric field exerts a force on an electric charge, which is proportional to the magnitude of both the field and the charge, and parallel to the field.
  • A magnetic field exerts a force on a magnetic charge, which is proportional to the magnitude of both the field and the charge, and parallel to the field.
  • Therefore, opposite electric charges attract and like electric charges repel, and likewise, opposite magnetic charges attract and like magnetic charges repel.
  • Moving electric charges generate magnetic fields.
  • Moving magnetic charges generate electric fields.
  • Magnetic fields exert forces on electric charges that are perpendicular to both the field and the charge's velocity, and proportional to the magnitude of both the field and the charge.
  • Electric fields exert forces on magnetic charges that are perpendicular to both the field and the charge's velocity, and proportional to the magnitude of both the field and the charge.
  • Therefore, parallel electric currents attract and antiparallel electric currents repel, and likewise, parallel magnetic currents attract and antiparallel magnetic currents repel.
  • The energy stored in the electric field is proportional to the square of the field's magnitude.
  • The energy stored in the magnetic field is proportional to the square of the field's magnitude.
  • A changing electric field is accompanied by a magnetic field.
  • A changing magnetic field is accompanied by an electric field.
  • All the above facts can be traced to the fact that the hypothetical
In other words, the electromagnetic charge of a particle can be thought of as a point on an E-M plane. Purely electrically charged particles lie along the x-axis, and purely magnetically charged particles lie along the y axis. (A neutrino, which has no electric or magnetic charge, would lie at the origin.) If we rotated all particles uniformly by some fixed angle, everything would keep on going as it did before. In other words, it would turn an electric monopole (such as an electron) into a magnetic monopole and vice versa.

So, if somehow all the charged particles in the universe were somehow replaced with magnetic monopoles, we wouldn't be able to notice. So in that deep sense, there is no difference between electric and magnetic charges.

What is interesting is that all particles that are known to humanity seem to lie along a single line through the origin on the E-M plane. We can choose the E axis however we want, and the duality transformations guarantee that the laws of electromagnetism take the same form. For convenience, we choose our E axis along that line. Measured relative to that choice of axes, then, all electromagnetically charged particles we know of are purely electrically charged and have no magnetic charge. One could just as well choose the M axis to be along that line, though. Or could choose both the E and M axes to not be along that line, in which case all the charged particles we know of have a combination of electric and magnetic charge (but the ratio is the same for all of them; they all lie along a line in the E-M plane, a fact that is not changed by our choice of axes).
In a deep sense, there is really no difference between magnetic charge and electric charge except the names we use as that difference is purely one of the conventions. To distinguish between electric and magnetic charges, we define the electron to be electrically charged, not magnetically charged. That is the real difference.

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