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Sunday, January 16, 2022

Stupeur & Tremblements

Frygt og Bæven
in a reference to a line from Philippians 2:12,
"...continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling."
φόβος καὶ τρόμος
— itself a probable reference to Psalms 55:5,
"Fear and trembling came upon me..."
יִרְאָ֣ה וָ֭רַעַד
and trembling

Frygt og Bæven refers to the Angst, anxiety*, that must have been present in Abraham when "God tested [him] and said to him, take Isaac, your only son, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah and offer him as a burnt offering on the mountain that I shall show you." Gen 22: 1-2

En présence de l’empereur, considéré jusqu’en 1946 comme un dieu vivant, le protocole impose de manifester, avec stupeur et tremblements, sa révérence.

Stupeur et Tremblements — "Stupefaction and trembling" — est le septième roman d’Amélie Nothomb, publié en 1999 chez Albin Michel dans lequel Amélie, la protagoniste, se heurte à un système rigide auquel elle a du mal à s’adapter et enchaîne erreur sur erreur, histoire d’une déchéance cruelle et injuste, d'une mise à l’écart dans un système où l'on frappe d’ostracisme, sans toutefois les licencier, les éléments déviants.

Frygt og Bæven or Fear and Trembling is a philosophical work by Søren Kierkegaard, published in 1843 under the pseudonym Johannes de silentio (John of the Silence).
Stupeur et tremblements by Maari Erein d'Abtazo
䷲ ䷳
51 resolving in 52
Electroshocks & Stupefaction
from Latin stupefaciō (“strike dumb, stun with amazement, stupefy”), from stupeō (“I am stunned, speechless”) (English stupid, stupor) + faciō (“do, make”).
स्तूप stūpa  स्तूप, lit. 'heap', is a mound-like (पर्वत) or hemispherical structure containing relics (such as शरीर śarīrāḥ, śarīra, 舍利  – typically the remains of Buddhist monks or nuns) that is used as a place of meditation.
➥ Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a psychiatric treatment where a generalized seizure (without muscular convulsions) is electrically induced to manage refractory mental disorders. Typically, 70 to 120 volts are applied externally to the patient's head, resulting in approximately 800 milliamperes of direct current passing through the brain, for a duration of 100 milliseconds to 6 seconds, either from temple to temple (bilateral ECT) or from front to the back of one side of the head (unilateral ECT).
The ECT procedure was first conducted in 1938 by Italian psychiatrist Ugo Cerletti and rapidly replaced less safe and effective forms of biological treatments in use at the time. ECT is often used with informed consent as a safe and effective intervention for major depressive disorder, mania, and catatonia, a severe psychiatric condition, often associated with schizophrenia, characterized by a tendency to remain in a rigid state of stupor for long periods which give way to short periods of extreme agitation.
ECT machines were re-classified as Class II devices, for treatment of catatonia, major depressive disorder, and bipolar disorder, in 2018.

➥ The primary cause of catatonia is believed to be an issue with the glutamate neurotransmitter, dopamine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) systems. People that suffer from catatonia will also often have other physical, neurological, or psychiatric conditions.

Catatonic Schizophrenia
  • 五十一震 (zhèn), "Shake" or variations include "the arousing (shock, thunder)" and "thunder". Both its inner and outer trigrams are ☳ (震 zhèn) shake = (雷) thunder.
  • 五十二艮 (gèn), "Bound" or "keeping still, mountain" and "stilling". Both its inner and outer trigrams are ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain.

The local electromagnetic field and circuits were impaired by an electrostatic discharge as per 51/52.
And continue to remain in a frozen, unresponsive state, as of electronic equipment.
Hence 母板 — the motherboard  repairing.
And श्री • (śrī́) Garnier 脊醫, the chiropractor, that health-care practitioner who was specialized in chiropractic, the hands on or hand-held instrumental movement of the bone structure of the body to improve the function of the joints or nervous system.
+ 40 shots of Penicillin, a term coined by Alexander Fleming after Penicillium notatum (now Penicillium chrysogenum), a fungus from which penicillin is obtained

Sunday, January 16, 2022
"Attunement, atonement, and at-onement are ONE 
— just as the inner self is that portion of the infinite.
The self-will** or personality is ever in conflict with the infinite within when there is the lack of what may be called stamina, faith, patience, or what not.
Yet each individual, each soul, knows within when it is in an at-onement." 

ECRL 2174-3

* "Whoever has learned to be anxious in the right way has learned the ultimate. ... Anxiety is freedom's possibility, and only such anxiety is through faith absolutely educative, because it consumes all finite ends and discovers all their deceptiveness. And no Grand Inquisitor has such dreadful torments in readiness as anxiety has, and no secret agent knows as cunningly as anxiety to attack his suspect in his weakest moment or to make alluring the trap in which he will be caught, and no discerning judge understands how to interrogate and examine the accused as does anxiety, which never lets the accused escape, neither through amusement, nor by noise, nor during work, neither by day nor by night." — Vigilius Haufniensis (Pseudonym), The Concept of Anxiety by Søren Kierkegaard p. 155-156, Reidar Thomte, 1980

**  the quality of being willful and ignoring opposition.

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