Health & Vibes
Everything living and non-living is in a state of vibrational harmonic resonance. What we call matter we now understood to be energy organized by waveforms and frequencies, with electrons always moving and vibrating. Everything — living and non-living — is in a state of vibrational harmonic resonance.
Modern scientific research has proved that every living organism and, consequently, the human being consists of — and is surrounded by — a field of electromagnetic energy. Likewise, on the microscopic level, every system, organ, tissue, cell, and molecule of the human body has its own field of electromagnetic vibrational energy.
Anything and everything that happens inside and outside the human body is an energy exchange. The movement — flow and exchange of energy — is essential to life.
Electrons are always moving and vibrating
Raising our vibration is the only effective way to live the life we genuinely want to live. While we radiate a low vibration — or frequency — our life can actually never be in harmony and we shall constantly live with an inner feeling of Disease.
"The body is to Nature as a violin is to an orchestra, The strings are to a violin as the organs are to the body For the orchestra, to play in harmony, all the instruments must be tuned to each other, If a single instrument is out of tune, the whole sound is Dissonance rather than Harmony" Beinfield and Korgold |
In physics, resonance is the tendency of a system to oscillate at maximum amplitude at certain frequencies, known as the system's resonance frequencies (or resonant frequencies). One familiar example is a playground swing, which acts as a pendulum.
Pushing a person in a swing in time with the natural interval of the swing (its resonance frequency) will make the swing go higher and higher (maximum amplitude), while attempts to push the swing at a faster or slower tempo will result in smaller arcs. This is because the energy the swing absorbs is maximized when the pushes are 'in phase' with the swing's oscillations, while some of the swing's energy is actually extracted by the opposing force of the pushes when they are not.
Emotions of fear, apathy, grief, anger, anxiety, ill-health emit a much different resonance or vibrational output than those emotions of love, joy, gratitude, radiant health. just as tuning to 96.9 FM emits and as a result attracts a different outcome or frequency than 104.7 FM on your radio dial. |
Resonance occurs widely in nature and is exploited in many man-made devices. It is the mechanism by which virtually all sinusoidal waves and vibrations are generated. Many sounds we hear, such as when hard objects of metal, glass, or wood are struck, are caused by brief resonant vibrations in the object. Light and other short wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation are produced by resonance on an atomic scale, such as electrons in atoms.
The Law of Resonance states that all energy resonates at a specific frequency enabling only energy of a harmonious frequency to attach to it creating our physical results. |
A deeper look into the Law of Resonance will provide us with the "seemingly" hidden key of all the keys concerning the process of Health manifestation in every day of life. In fact ALL physical (or seen) as well as the unseen events, conditions and circumstances which make up our personal life experience as well as those that are continually being created in all of The Universe happen as a result of the Law of Resonance.
The Law Of Vibration Just as a pebble creates vibrations that appear as ripples, which travel outward in a body of water, frequencies create vibrations that travel outward that manifest as health or disease in life. |
The reality is, the Law of Vibration, like anything in creation, is actually a very simple concept and made to appear complicated by man.
The first thing that is important to understand is that all that exists, whether seen or unseen, broken down into its simplest and most basic form, consists of a form of, or rate of vibration.
Every atom in the Universe has a frequency. Whether it's a grain of sand, a piece of steel, a plant, an animal or an organ in the human body, each cell resonates, or vibrates, at a specific frequency or oscillation. The body consists of a variety of atoms, which contain photons, electrons & overall bio-electric energy that runs through it. The way I take care of my body — physically, emotionally and mentally — determines how many negative frequencies or toxins are being built up in it. There are four general ways imbalance is created in anybody: through toxic substances we eat, pollution we breathe, exposure to a negative energetic environment, and how we process information in our thinking & feeling. |
If we were to tear off a small piece of the corner and place it under a microscope, we would find that it now appears to transform into a different form than when we held it in our hand or as it laid on the table.
As we observe it more closely we find that there appears to be movement within it. Not only does it appear to be so, but there really is! The movement that we see is millions of individual forms of microscopic matter that make up the piece of paper, which are called molecules. Everything in our world that we can sense with the five basic human senses is made up of these tiny wonders. Actually billions and trillions of them.
Now let us take one of those molecules and place it under a much more powerful microscope and as we look through the lens we will find that there appears to be movement from within the molecule for movement actually there is!
This movement is created by something known to the scientific community as atoms, which broken down and analyzed further consist of a proton, which is at the centre and an electron that constantly orbits the proton, creating a vibratory pattern. (energy)
We could continue this process until we get down to the smallest known discovery by the scientific community to this point, known as quarks.
Without getting into all the mathematical equations and specifics of the scientific discoveries of this reality, everything that exists, either physical (seen) or non-physical (unseen), contains some variation of atoms and subatomic particles. The varying amounts of each of these put together, form various shapes or energies which determine the form, or rates of vibration. Depending on the specific amounts of each of these ingredients determines the structure of each object that can be seen and determines whether the thing is solid, liquid, or gas, and which also determines whether it can be sensed with the 5 human senses or not. Regardless of its form, broken down into its most basic structure, everything that exists, seen and unseen, consists of a rate of vibration
A good example of this that everyone is familiar with would be the wind. Although it can be felt, at a certain vibration it cannot be seen with the human eye or heard with our ears. When the rate of vibration changes to the point that it causes the rate of the wind to increase and became strong enough to pick up dirt or debris, it would then be at a level (vibration) that would allow all 5 of the human senses to experience it.
The Law of Resonance is quite literally the law that determines how ANYTHING and EVERYTHING reacts and manifests as health in the human body. |
In other words, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, whether physical objects, the body, sounds, colours, feelings, oxygen, thoughts, feelings, emotions etc. etc. exist as a result of energy or what science refers to as Quanta which are vibrating energy packets constructed of any number of subatomic particles.
"A vibration is made up of energy pulsations of positive and negative polarity. We call that frequency. It is the way we classify different expressions of energy. Atoms act like little radio transmitters broadcasting waves. Humans, as well as all kinds of supposedly inert matter, constantly emit rays. Everything sends out waves of different lengths. The wavelengths of the body are as individual as fingerprints. Under the laws of vibration, each individual has distinctive rates of vibration or resonance harmonics. |
So what determines this resonance of our physical body, NOW? EMOTIONS, DIET, Thoughts, External TOXINS, Harmful Magnetic Fields, (the list goes on...)
Resonance is a mere process of initiating and amplifying a vibratory response (a link) in a receiving system that is attuned to or in vibrational resonance with an emitting system that creates an outcome.
A Healthy Body A healthy body broadcasts a frequency between 62 and 72 Hz. When the frequency drops, the immune system is compromised. If the frequency drops to 58 Hz, cold and flu symptoms appear, at 55 Hz, diseases like Candida take hold, at 52 Hz, Epstein Barr and at 42 Hz, Cancer. Now it can be asked, exactly what can be the causes for the body’s frequency to drop? Things we eat and drink directly affect our frequency. Fresh fruits and vegetables have up to 15 Hz, dried herbs 12 to 22 Hz, fresh herbs from 20 to 27 Hz. Essential Oils start at 52 Hz and go as high as 320 Hz, which is the frequency of rose oil. Canned foods have a frequency of 0, because they have been cooked before being put in the can, and anything cooked is dead and has no living energy. Also, pesticides, chemical additives, preservatives, all these things that are added to our foods also lower our frequency. Pesticides on foods are perceived by the cell as a danger and cause the cell to go into survival mode, thereby interrupting processes of growth and good health. |
It is very important to understand that resonance starts only when the frequency of the two systems (the receiving and the emitting) are very close or identical in frequency.
"By Discovering Universal Laws, We Discover the Source of All Health, All Wealth, All Happiness, Joy, Profound Peace, Assurance and Fulfillment. The Source That Governs ALL That Is, Has Been or Ever Will Be" |
Universal Laws — also referred to as Spiritual Laws or Laws Of Nature — are the unwavering and unchanging principles that rule our entire universe and are the means by which our world continues to thrive and exist. Many Fields ignore these Universal Laws
Instead, they attempt to seek, find, and acquire Health and well-being through various "external physical channels" such as medical drugs and potions, or else, and in so doing, becoming so out-of-balance that they become depleted, developing a scattered Resonance, resulting in physical and emotional overwhelm, exhaustion, depression, anxiety, fear, and a host of other counterproductive symptoms.
The other results of this common, traditionally taught and established majority way of conditioning shows up in our physical world as Stress, increasing health problems, Dis-ease, sleep problems, premature ageing etc.
The prevailing explanation
The prevailing explanation currently used by physicists to describe the nature of matter, called string theory, implies that all material things are made up of incredibly small vibrating strings, and just like those of a musical instrument, each one has different vibrational characteristics. Short fine strings vibrate faster than longer and coarser ones.
These strings are woven together by internal and external influences into the membranes of our body like the threads of an expensive fabric. The membranes then fold over and enclose themselves into the cells, organs and skin of our body. Each of these enclosures represents a resonant cavity that vibrates at specific frequencies based on the characteristics of the membranes and cavities (volume, density, hardness, etc.). These barriers surround the body’s various energy fields and secure and protect them.
A healthy body is a flowing interactive electro-dynamic energy field. Every cell resonates with a unique characteristic frequency. Frequencies that are rich in harmonics supply the body with a full band of frequencies that can support and strengthen the bio-system. They can — if the body is healthy — rapidly restore the energy state and ideal frequency to every cell in the body.
Enhancing and amplifying this naturally present harmony, while overriding the noise and dissonance also present, increases the healthy resonance.
The resonant cavities of the body such as the gut, lungs, trachea, throat, and nasal passages produce vibrational signatures, similar to the resounding chambers of guitars, which give each of them a unique personal tone even though they all use similar strings.
Enhancing the harmony or resonance of the body multiplies the number of frequencies called overtones. Plucking a guitar string sets up an ascending cascade of overtones that quickly die out as the string returns to rest. However, bowing a violin string allows these harmonics to ascend to infinity as long as the string is being drawn. This example shows that the more resonant and coherent something is the more overtones or “partials” it contains. Therefore, improving the harmonic resonance of the body can result in increased coherency, which fills in any holes present in the membranes.
Complete balance of the actual and potential components of our mind and body — in perfect harmony and Resonance — would be the essence and equivalent of a Good Health
Vibrational medicine
Every system, organ, tissue, cell, and molecule of the human body vibrates within a certain range of frequency and there are many levels of vibrational frequency. An object can have more than one natural frequency. These are called harmonics. Every system, organ, tissue, cell, and molecule has an ‘ideal’ frequency, a Harmonic Resonance Frequency (HRF). The same applies to meridians, pathways through which energy flows and is distributed in the electromagnetic field of energy (aura). Every meridian has its own ‘ideal’ frequency, its Harmonic Resonance Frequency (HRF), that ensures the free and smooth flow of energy along the specific meridian. |
The word vibration, or frequency, refers to the pulsations of energy that make up and pattern all life and matter. Albert Einstein's equation E = mc2 — states that energy is equivalent to matter with its vibratory rate greatly speeded up. The energy fields that make up all living things are interactive. The ability of an energy field to influence the vibratory rate of another is called resonance. Vibrational medicine is based on energy resonance. Energy can be applied in the form of electrical microcurrents, light, magnetism, sound, energetic remedies and human touch (or some combination).
To understand what vibrational energy can really do for us, it helps to realize that the human body is really a magnificent quantum physics machine. We are made up of literally nothing more than vibrating energy. Humans are made of cells, which are made of atoms, which are made of particles, and those so-called particles are actually just vibrating energy. Every atom is just a probability wave, and most of the stuff we call physical matter is really made up of completely empty space. We are more empty space than physical stuff; more vibration than mass. Thus, we can be strongly impacted — either positively or negatively — by vibrational energy.
Ultraviolet radiation from the sun, for example, helps support healthy moods, brain function, endocrine system function and sleep cycles. Sunlight photons also help us generate vitamin D, which prevents cancer, diabetes, depression and bone loss. Infrared radiation has been proven to speed the recovery of wounds and injuries, and infrared LED devices are being tested by NASA to speed the growth of plants in space.
What is vibrational medicine?
In the hands of a skilled and compassionate practitioner, vibrational medicine is a true body-mind-spirit therapy. Examples of vibrational medical techniques are acupuncture, gem and flower essences, homoeopathy, colour light and laser, healing sound therapies, Rife, MWO, 霊気 or 霊気 or 霊気 霊気 reiki, literally “spiritual chi” and hands-on healing.
The great benefits of vibrational medicine, in general, are the lack of negative side effects and the ability to effectively treat many difficult and challenging mind/body imbalances that cannot be diagnosed or effectively treated with Western medicine.
Electromagnetic energy affects every living system, and light is only one narrow band of the electromagnetic spectrum. In the last hundred years or so, many open-minded medical pioneers have looked for other healing applications of vibrational energy. This includes people like John Sarno, an expert in mind-body health, and Richard Gerber, the author of "Vibrational Medicine." There is a lot of experimentation being done today in healing with light, sound, heat and electricity. We already know for example, that electrical impulses and sound waves rapidly accelerate the healing of bones. We know that infrared light in the 600 and 700-nanometer range accelerates the healing of flesh wounds. We do also know that environmental stress caused by noise (living near airports) or electrical interference (living near high-voltage power lines) is detrimental to health.
" The human body is made up of electronic vibrations, with each atom and element of the body, each organ and organism, having its electronic unit of vibration necessary for the sustenance of, and equilibrium in that particular organism. Each unit, then, being a cell or a unit of life in itself has the capacity of reproducing itself according to the first law that is known as reproduction-division. When a force— in any organ or element of the body— becomes deficient in its ability to reproduce that equilibrium necessary for the sustenance of physical existence and its reproduction— that portion becomes deficient in electronic energy. This may come by injury or disease, received by external forces. It may come from internal forces through lack of eliminations produced in the system or by other agencies to meet its requirements in the body." — Edgar Cayce (1928) from There is a River by Thomas Sugrue. |
The human body is a multidimensional, vibrational being with numerous, complex energetic interactions that continually take place within. These complex energetic interactions — a bioenergetic communication network — emit vibratory information that precisely specifies the activities taking place within the body, and these vibratory emissions are measurable with modern equipment. Current research hypothesizes that every part of the body — mental, physical, and emotional — form this continuous interconnected bioenergetic communication network. Each part of the body, even the smallest constituent, is a part of this bioenergetic communication network. Vibrational medicine stimulates this network, and the body's restorative systems respond without the side effects associated with the use of pharmacological substances. Everything living vibrates at certain frequencies. This is true not only for molecules, cells, tissues, and organs but also for parasites, bacteria, viruses, etc. Imbalances, disorders and diseases alter the bioenergetic communications network, and through the use of vibrational medical devices, balance can be restored. The body can then go to work — healing itself!
The MWO is a harmonizing energy source. It projects an electromagnetic field that radiates through all cells of the organs. A good polarized cell derives energy from this projected field as this field is in sync with the frequencies of the healthy cells. This can be compared to someone on a swing; when we give the swing a push at the right moment, it swings harder. Thus if there are cells that are not correctly arranged or are in an improper order, they are first slowed down by the EMF field and then consequently encouraged and forced to move and vibrate in the correct order.
The electromotive force (EMf) produced by the MWO and induced in the cell nucleus, can raise the cell's metabolic rate by electrolysis, and perhaps jog the RNA-DNA "memory" and reproductive capabilities to their level at an earlier, younger age, thus the rejuvenation.
The Key A NORMAL cell has an electrical potential of 70 millivolts, an AGED cell of 50 mV, and a CANCER or ill cell is @15 mV. When a cell is in electrical difficulty the mV and the sodium-potassium balance are out. The high potential brings the cells to an equal level basically resetting them. This allows healing to occur at a higher pace without stressing the cell. And the additional energy restores cell integrity by reorienting its molecular structure to allow for an easier potential movement. Basically, it bolsters the field of each cell individually so they support each other more easily. |
According to Nobel prize winner Otto Warburg, healthy cells have cell voltages of 70 to 90 millivolts. Due to the constant stresses of modern life and a toxic environment, cell voltage tends to drop as we age or get sick. As the voltage drops, the cell is unable to maintain a healthy environment for itself. If the electrical charge of a cell drops to 50, a person has chronic fatigue and gets sick often. If the voltage drops to 15, the cell becomes cancerous.
Georges Lakovsky, a Russian engineer — in the 1920s — has developed an electric-coil multi-wave oscillator that produced great amounts of electromagnetic energy. Over three hundred patients — many with cancer — were treated with that device in a New York City hospital, and seventy per cent of them improved. Shealy believes that high-frequency electrical stimulation recharges 氣 in a way similar to recharging a car battery. |
Every illness is an autoimmune illness. When the immune system cannot ward off a problem in the general system in time, something fails. Our only defence is our immune system. By raising the oscillating frequency of every atom in our body, we are increasing the rate at which the immune system operates as well as eliminating the negative toxins our body is trying to fight off. The quantum fluctuations (vibrations) that make up the memory of the cells of our body start creating different "memories". This type of frequency reprogramming allows the body to remember the natural effectiveness of the immune system and regenerate back 100% to its original state.
Harness the healing power of the earth
The Schumann Resonance was first used for healing, in Germany, by Dr Ludwig who is known as the Father of Magnetic Therapy. He was the one who convinced NASA deciders to install Schumann Resonance devices — in spacecraft — to have a stabilizing effect on the astronaut's health in space.
The physical condition of early Astronauts deteriorated severely whilst in Outer Space, away from the Schumann Resonance, a problem that was solved thanks to the introduction of the "Schumann Simulator" into all space shuttles — a magnetic pulse generator mimicking the Earth's frequency. This demonstrates the simple fact that we cannot be healthy if disconnected from the "natural biological frequency"
Recent studies demonstrate beyond any reasonable doubt that there is a strong statistical association between exposures to magnetic fields of intensities greater than 4 mG and increase risk of contracting a number of deadly diseases. Every time the zone alarm senses we are in a harmful magnetic field, its high-tech magnetic field sensors trigger a Schumann pulse, that will last for the duration of one's exposure. |
Although NASA has been aware of the Biological Frequency — for many years — and is using this knowledge to protect Astronauts in Outer Space, a large public is generally not aware of its value. In 1952, the German scientist W.O. Schumann discovered the presence of a natural radio signal resonating as a standing wave around our planet within the Earth/Ionosphere cavity and beating with a sharp pulse of 7.83 Hz. This signal has been thence referred to as the "Schumann Resonance". It is no coincidence, that the brainwave frequency of most vertebrates is around the same value, although that of industrial men/women is often higher. However, the dominant brainwave frequency of sensitive individuals, such as Shamans and Healers, comes close to 7.83 Hz and may, at times, beat in phase with the Earth's signal, thereby causing Harmonic Resonance.
"Electrosmog interferes with this natural frequency. In particular "pulsed" microwaves i.e. "digital" Mobile Phone Frequencies seem to have the ability to overlay or drown out this natural pulse. As high frequencies are here modulated by a pulse within the Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) range, it is this pulse that has been shown to interfere with the natural rhythms within the brain, Constant periodical stimuli influence biological oscillators (Zeitgebers) in the brain which play important roles in biological regulation pathways" |
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