All down the ages there have been stories of fairies,
gnomes, mermaids, naiads and fabled characters are galore.
The ancient Norsemen, Dutch, Huns and all the
oriental races possess literature prolific with allegories,
parables and fables built around the wonders and physical
and chemical operations of the human body.
The birth of the monthly seed is the basis of the
Mother Goose Stories and similar tales in all lands.
Santa Claus, or Saint Nicholas — the patron saint of seafarers,
virgins and children — is the bearer of gifts to children on Christmas eve.
Of all festivals celebrated all over the known world,
that held in honour of Santa Claus ranks as first in the hearts of all humanity, old as well as young. This in itself is a most significant fact.
It is time that the truth regarding this age-long
custom be made known to the world, time that its real
and true significance is understood. Then will it be truly
celebrated, for it will have become an inward process, as
well as an outward observation.
Parents, from time immemorial, have explained to
their children that the presents which they found in their
stockings, when they jumped eagerly from their beds in
the morning, were placed there by a mysterious person
called "Santa Claus." No one saw him come, no one
saw him leave, but he left unmistakable evidence of his
Some children ask many questions about this
mysterious "person," and when they become too insistent
the ingenuity of parents is sorely taxed to give satisfactory
answers. There comes a time, however, when they must
have the Santa Claus "myth" explained to them, and it is
then that their deep childlike trust and confidence in their
parents receive its first shock. Thereafter they commence
to doubt their parents, to question their veracity,
and many tears have been shed, because, after all, Santa
was not a "really, truly person."
and IT does "SECRETE" the most
holy and wonderful gift" or substance in the body of
every individual. Those who understand it who receive
it in the right spirit have "Become as little children."
"As above, so below." As in the Macrocosm,
the universe, so in the microcosm-man.
Can anyone think for one moment that the parables,
fables, allegories and myths that have come down to us through the ages have no basic foundation? They, as well as the fast days and feast days, are founded on great esoteric truths. Otherwise, they would have ceased to be.
The Great Hierarchy that rules the Universe see to
it that nothing is forgotten that needs to be remembered.
Santa Claus, or Saint Claus, is derived from the same
root word as "claustrum," from which "cloister" is also
derived. Claustrum means a barrier, a covered place, seclusion.
The Cloister is referred to as a place of seclusion,
and more especially as a place of seclusion for something
holy, something dedicated to divinity.
There is a Saint Claus, or Claustrum within the cerebrum,
and whoever gave it that name knew why they did so.
The suture of the skull is the point where the bones meet. We can very easily see this place on the head of
infants, as the sections are not then drawn closely together,
and the vibrations of the brain can be both seen and felt.
In Sanscrit, this is called "The Door of Brahm," for it is the aperture through which the Ego, or Spirit leaves the body. It is also the chimney of Santa Claus.
The vertebrae as a whole are called the "stick of Brahm."
Directly underneath the "door of Brahm" is a triangular-shaped body named in physiology the "Island of
Reil." This is the place where "John" was when "he"
looked back and saw the wonderful vision of the regenerated
man in the "Isle of Patmos" This island is the
central lobe of the cerebrum, and is also called the Pole;
hence, the Island of Reil is the North Pole of the body,
and is, as we well know, the imperishable, sacred land.
In Santee's anatomy of the brain and spinal cord, we
find that this island is "situated in the medial wall of
the lateral fissure of the cerebrum, between the frontal,
parietal and temporal lobes, whose growth, after the fifth
month in utero gradually covers it over. At the end of
the first year of extrauterine life, it is entirely concealed
by temporal, parietal and frontal parts of the operculum"
cover or lid. Thus we see that Mother Nature has
taken great pains to conceal this sacred centre.
Underneath this island, and directly in a line with the
Optic Thalamus lies the Claustrum but separated from it
by yet three other bodies.
The claustrum is a thin sheet of isolated gray matter,
found just medial to the Island of Reil. Santee says it
"is a sheet of peculiar gray substance, and is made up of
fusiform (spindle-shaped) cell-bodies." It is from this
claustrum that contains yellow substance within its outer
grayish exterior, that the wonderful, priceless OIL is
formed that flows down into the olivary fasciculus, "descending
with the rubrospinal tract through the reticular
formation in the pons and medulla to the lateral column
of the spinal cord. It terminates in the gray matter of
the spinal cord, probably giving off collaterals to corresponding
nuclei in the brain stem." Santee. This is
the OIL, the precious gift of which the Bible speaks,
"Thou anointest my head with oil."
And not only is there oil manufactured within this
special laboratory of the brain, but there is actually an
olive tree, which bears actual olives so named in any
anatomy. The two olives are two infinitesimal eminences
on either side of the medulla, with the Pyramid between.
They are a one-half inch in length. It is found well developed only in the higher mammals. They are RELAY
(Santee) stations between the cerebrum and the cerebellum
and between the spinal cord and the cerebellum.
This oil is the most sacred substance in the body it
is the quintessence of gold the "Gold of Ophir" most
truly a rare gift. Globules of oil are found in the vital
fluid, the semen, and when the prodigal son has wasted
his substance, he finds that it takes a long time to replace
the deficiency and make good the looted bank account.
This wonderful oil is the secret work of the immaculate
Virgin, Mary (or Mare) "represented by the sign Virgo.
In chemistry, we find that sulphate of potassium is the mineral salt, which, uniting with sulphur and oxygen,
manufactures the oil. We find that this salt also crystallizes out from the mother-liquors of seawater and salt springs. People born under the sign Virgo, if they have become deficient in this salt suffer from dryness of the skin, and baldness. We can also understand why draining of the vital fluid - living in excesses, will also produce baldness. If there were no oil in the body, the skin would become harsh and dry.
The story of the wise virgins who had their lamps trimmed and filled with oil is given to emphasize the necessity for the presence of oil in the body, for they cannot go out to meet the "bridegroom" unless their lamps are burning. "The lamb is the lamp thereof."
The olives, which contain the oil, are the reservoirs
the relay stations, of course, which furnish the oil for the
lamp, the pineal gland, at the top of which is the flame or
eye. When the Kundalini, the serpent fire that lies concealed
within the sacral plexus is awakened, burns up the
dross within the spinal cord, and reaches the conarium,
it sets fire to this oil and thus lights the "perpetual lamp,"
which "Gives the light to the whole house."
Santa Claus is thus the giver of the supreme gift in
the human body, the oil for the perpetual lamp the gold
of Ophir, the quintessence of richness.
A total lack of oil in the body will, in itself, cause
Santa Claus brings his gifts when the Christ-mass is
The Greek characters that stand for Christ are X P I,
and the word itself (Christ) means oil, in Greek. The seed is the bread of life, and when anointed with oil
(Christed and crucified) become the Christ-mass the bread, eaten in the Father's Kingdom.
Thus we now clearly understand the meaning of Santa
Claus and his Christmas visit with gifts to the children.
God-Man: The Word Made Flesh, George W. Carey
The truth is that the birth of this monthly seed which is in all of us, and its monthly journey through the body, is the basis of many nursery rhymes, fairy tales, fables, religious stories like the ten virgins, Jacob, Moses, Abraham, and Jesus the Christ, just to name a few; and, it is most definitely the story of Santa Claus! Santa Claus is just like the priceless oil we secrete each month, no one sees it come and no one sees it leave, but there is unmistakable evidence of its visit! The good news is that 'Santa' doesn't come just once a year if you understand the story. This glorious process happens every month, sometimes twice a month depending on the moon, and with its visit, each month comes a chance to change, to renew, and to transform your life for the better if you will only preserve the precious ointment of which we all are anointed.
This is a small glimpse of the greatest story available to mankind. Experienced daily, but
unknown to many, the same drama unfolds on all major layers of
holographic nature: atomically, physically, mentally, spiritually and on
planetary/universal level and on all time frames (second, minutes, hours,
days, weeks, months, years, lifetimes and ages). The information is too large
to grasp and too complex to put into words, thus the revelation of a simple,
well-known myth may help to understand. Along with the searching and reflecting on
this myth, everything else will follow by itself and I shall be able to climb
an amazing wall of ancient knowledge, which has been lost, but not forgotten.
knowledge (fire) enters and exits matter (mater, water)
The myth reveals occult anatomy and the true nature of man, the universal power of mysteries and of myth itself and it proves beyond any doubt that we live today in the mental ruins of the ancient knowledge, not even knowing what it is that we lost and why we should have a need to get it back. This myth connects to the greatest story never told, which is the greatest story of all ages because the story itself is not just a story and it is not just “great”, but the “greatest”, because there can be nothing even remotely comparable to it. It is the only story that can be told by humanity and which has been told throughout the ages in thousands of different forms, languages and styles. This master story is omnipresent in the world today, right in front of our eyes, in plainest sight, yet it lies concealed in deepest mysteries, carefully hidden from profanity by wise priests, protecting this information, guarding it against destruction and alterations, preserving it for eternity, making it incorruptible, preserving its divine truth, making it available only for the honest seeker. With the right mental toolkit available, I shall be able to decode all ancient myth, all fables, all fairy tales, scriptures and all Hollywood movies. There is a mother of all stories, a final boss of awakening, a highest mystical revelation, a key to the All.
So, Santa Claus is real and does exist, not just exist in myth, in imagination or in the mind. He physically exists and does bring presents to all children. He does live at the North pole, he is helped by many elves, he has a sleigh that is pulled by 8 reindeer, he does know our wishes and he does bring toys or coal down the chimney. And he is closely linked to what we today call “Christmas”. The nice side effect, upon the reception of the key to this wonderful myth, is that it can automatically solve the dilemma on how to communicate to children in a way that allows them to develop and cultivate the highest way of human understanding. Should we tell our children, that Santa is just a myth? After all, finding out, that mom and dad really bring the presents can be quite a disappointment for a child, and it doesn’t feel right lying to children in the first place, does it? Or should we uphold the myth as long as possible, so as not to disturb the romantic childhood? The answer to this dilemma is, that we can do both, because Santa does exist and he doesn’t, both is true. Children love to learn the truth, and they openly accept a dual, seemingly paradox answer as the one above, because they are still in the right brain/holistic thinking. The great benefit of studying the below scientific facts will be that the right brain can also be developed and start to understand myth/scriptures.
The highest knowledge of humanity, condensed in 12 symbols
Living the ritual of Christmas/Santa Claus today may be compared with a dance seen by a deaf man who does not hear the music to which the motion is timed and who has no clue about the characters who are performing°. This is because, in our times, the myth has moved too far out of view. The ridiculous eschatology discussions (end times, heaven, hell, death, rebirth, etc.) of today are driven by a profound lack of proper education. It is not only that people today don`t know — they have also been trained to be unaware about their own ignorance and when they do become aware there is also some mechanism in place to make them feel scared. Eschatological rituals, such as Christmas, can only be comprehended through understanding myth. The myth alone may break mind control.
Let us check — and scientifically explain — elements of the Santa Claus
- ·
Santa lives at the North pole
- ·
He is sometimes said to live on an island
- ·
8 (later 9) reindeer pull his sledge
- ·
He is surrounded and assisted by numerous
- ·
He enters the chimney and brings toys (or
- ·
He knows the wishes of all children
- · He is closely linked to Christmas
To understand this myth, we must look to the inside, and get acquainted with (occult) brain anatomy:
The Claustrum (Santa Claus) is located (lives) in the human head as part of the Cortex, which is at the very top (north pole) of the body. It is also origin of the term "Cloister" (German: Kloster), the place where monks and nuns go to live a secluded life and study scriptures.
The Claustrum is surrounded by White Matter (snow) in the brain. Directly next to it can be found the External and the Extreme Capsule, which resemble a sleigh:
In the lateral view, The Claustrum is located below the Insular Cortex (Island).
It is also lateral to the Putamen (“consideration” — Latin putare: "to consider, to think"), which is symbolized by the red cap that is worn by Santa Claus:
The Putamen is connected to the Substantia Nigra (Latin: "black substance", coal), which is involved in the process of regulating reward and addictions and appears dark because it contains high levels of Neuromelanin.
A unique feature of the Claustrum is that there is a uniformity in the function of its cells, all Neurons do the same work (Elves help Santa).
Moving deeper and correlating anatomy to astrology and to scripture (as above, so below, as within, so without): the Claustrum is sagittally (anatomical term of location, in the direction from dorsal to ventral, cf: Sagittarius) located in the Cerebrum, and mythical Santa Claus appears in the night between Sagittarius (Horse) and Capricorn (goat), the night of the rebirth of the sun, as it reaches its lowest point on the horizon (winter solstice). After the night of Christmas, the days start getting longer again, it is the moment of the spiritual rebirth of life on earth (nature does not yet expand visibly, but days are getting longer again). This is why Santa Claus is riding a goat (Capricorn is the sea-goat or zygote) on this old postcard:
The suture of the skull (ब्रह्मरंध्र Sanskrit Brahmarandhra "Door of Brahm,") is the external entry point (chimney) of the planetary Santa Claus/Christ, where he enters the head (rooftop). The internal chimney is the human spine. The Claustrum releases an oily substance (Christ, greek: Christos "oil", Manna* from heaven), which is a secretion (a secret/a mystery) that is used as basic material by the Pineal Gland (Joseph, father of Christ) to secrete a yellow substance (honey) to the Pingala (electric,陽 male energy channel) and the Pituitary Gland (Mary, mother of Christ) to secrete a white substance (milk) to the Ida (magnetic, 陰 female energy channel).
The oily substance (Christos) moves down the spine (chimney, River Jordan) to the Solar Plexus (Bethlehem, “House of Bread", of the Virgin”, Virgo). Here the oil is transformed into a psycho-spiritual seed (Ichthys, fish, Ictus, Jesus, Pisces) which then moves (swims) through the body (ocean, a body of water containing saline fluid: human blood & seawater are chemically nearly identical).
The first internal biological process (miracle) the seed (Jesus) performs is to transform water and oxygen (spirit, breath, the holy ghost) into red cell “living” blood (wine) during the chemical fusion (wedding) in the lungs (Cana) which are connected to the blood circular system (Galilee). The psycho-spiritual seed (sun, fish, Jesus) later descends to the Sacrum (Kreuzbein = “cross bone”, Holy bone, the archetype of the “devil”, ruled by Saturn, “Satan” an anagram of "Santa", Capricorn), the deepest point in the sun`s journey (坎 [29] abyss, hell)
On the dangerous and difficult way back to the head (promised land, heaven, Israel) the seed (chosen one, messiah [Biblical Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ (māšîaḥ, “anointed”)], hero figure, Horus**, कृष्ण (kṛṣṇá) Krishna) must now try to leave the lower, animal body (Egypt, Sodom & Gomorrha), defeat animal (sexual) desire (Pharao, Judas, Scorpius), cross the blood barrier (Red Sea) and climb the spine (Jacob`s ladder), which has 33 vertebrae (Masonic 33 degrees) to a place in the skull (Golgotha) where the Vagus Nerve (Tree of Life)/Cerebellum & spine cross each other (cross). Here the seed is electrically charged (離 [30] crucified), before it can head further up to the centre of the Cerebrum (heaven).
Jacob ("supplanter", "holder of the heel" = Adam Kadmon, the Cabalist man on Zodiac wheel) has his head on the stone (Petrus), the rock on which the Christian church was founded. The Jew Peter, which is Jupiter, ruler of the Age of Pisces.
It should now become clear that, in a Hermetic sense, during Christ`s mass (Khemet: Kresh Mes, Greek: Christos “oil”) within the body, the internal sun/son is reborn, just as the external sun is reborn at the winter solstice. Illumination works through a conscious, spiritual transformation from the lower mind (He Phren) to the higher mind (Iesous), the human body can be compared to a "lamp" (wordplay: lamb) belonging to god (wordplay gad= tribe of Aries, “arise” at Vernal Equinox) and when this lamp is ignited by the process described above (exoterically at the vernal equinox, esoterically at Passover), the gray matter (the dead) will be activated (reborn).
"Thou anointest my head with oil." The wise virgins now trim the wicks of their lamps and fill it with oil, before they meet their bridegroom.
The seed then remains 1 moon sign in a skull cavern (3 days in the tomb) and after three days proceeds upwards (ascends) to the Pineal (compare to Winter Solstice). Masonic (Masonry encapsulates the same information as Christianity in a different set of myth and symbols) Hiram Abif has thus created a "stone for the temple builders", a stone without the mark of the animal man (mark of Beast).
If repeated, the older, destroyed seeds/stones can also be reactivated (the dead shall rise) and at some stage, the electrical energy of the Sacrum (kundalini) is activated and the Queen of 7/ Sheba may rise to the Optic Thalamus (all-seeing eye) and reactivate the Pineal (third eye), the "eye becomes single and the body is full of light". Thus, it is to give 10% (consciousness, left brain hemisphere, Mercury) to receive 100% (right brain, dark matter of the brain, unconscious, right brain hemisphere, Venus) and be part of the order of Mel-chi-tsadiq*** (black-energy-righteous person, from Hebrew מַלְכִּי־צֶדֶק (Malki-tsédek) which literally means “righteousness is my king”). The universe, just like the human brain, contains 90% dark matter: as without, so within.
The serpent Mesi (mes, mas) represented the Gnostic Christ (solar energy active through the miniature sun in the earth centre through the human "heart" - the heart of the brain is the Pineal). It consists of 7 souls (planets, colours, musical notes, chakras, cities, churches) + Iesous² = 8. Now it becomes clear, why Santa's sledge is pulled by 8 reindeer – the sledge is pulled by the Egyptian Ogdoad. The Vatican shows you this in the form of a white dove. Nothing new under the sun!
Santa Claus is thus the giver of the most supreme, divine gift in the human body, the raw material for the oil in the lamp of the magic genie.
Why "X"-mas? The Vagus Nerve is cranial nerve N° 10 (roman X). He is one of the elders before the throne.
° In 1813 the influential writer Anne Louise Germaine de Staël published the work “De l’Allemagne” in French. The English title was “Germany”, and in 1814 an excerpt was printed in “The Universal Magazine”. Madame de Staël envisioned herself watching a ballroom filled with dancers, and she imagined her reaction if she had been unable to hear the music:
* from Late Latin manna, from Ancient Greek μάννα (mánna), from Hebrew מן (mān, “'manna”)
** Ḥr (Hiero G5)
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