G3650 ὅλος (G𐤟V*)
Transliteration: hólos
Derivation: a primary word;
Definition: "whole" or "all", i.e. complete (in extent, amount, time or degree), especially (neuter) as noun or adverb
From: Strong's Greek Dictionary by James Strong (1890)
‘Undivided & So Still Attention’
63 through the Eye of I, i.e. 360°+ ≳ holographic view
➥ Eyes Wide Open, Eyes Wide Shut & No EyƎ (E'Ǝ°), simultaneously
64 a 128° or 192° angle microcosmic view
➥ Eye of Barad-dûr, mind and will of Sauron (Quenya, a form of Elvish: þaura** [saura] foul, evil-smelling, putrid, cruel). Throughout The Lord of the Rings, "the Eye" (the Red Eye, the Evil Eye, the Lidless Eye, the Great Eye) is the image most often associated with Sauron. Sauron's Orcs bore the symbol of the Eye on their helmets and shields and referred to him as the "Eye" because he did not allow his name to be written or spoken, according to Aragorn.
the Eye of Horus is not merely a magical symbol. It is also an example of the mathematical knowledge acquired by the ancient Egyptians. In the myth, Set tore Horus’ eye into six parts. As a symbol, the Eye of Horus contains six parts. Each of them was, around those times, given a fraction as a unit of measurement – the right side of the eye is 1/2, the pupil 1/4, the eyebrow 1/8, the left side of the eye 1/16, the curved tail 1/32, and the teardrop 1/64. These fractions add up to 63/64, and the missing part is said to either represent the magical powers of Thoth or to illustrate that nothing is perfect.
The Distinctive Meanings of the Parts of The Eye of Horus
Each of the six parts of the Eye of Horus corresponds to a different sense, a different colour, a different quark and to the stratum of 離 (三十/卅) the ionisation process (duet/octet/etc ➱2/4/8/16/32/64).
➥ it corresponds to the structure, the organisation, of the field/matter (坤 ㄎㄨㄣ) and more specifically to that of the atom (@औं)
- The right side of the eye is associated with the sense of smell, as it is closest to the nose and resembles this organ. ँ M̐ 氣
- Needless to say, the pupil represents the sense of sight, 目/視 (63rd tetragram of the Taixuanjing (𝍄)***
- while the eyebrow represents thought, as it can be used to express our thoughts, 思1
- The left side of the eye represents the sense of hearing, as it points towards the ear, and has the shape of a musical instrument, 耳
- The curved tail resembles a sprout from a planted stalk of wheat or grain. As a representation of food, this part of the Eye of Horus corresponds to the sense of taste, 味
- Finally, the teardrop is supposed to represent the sense of touch, as this part of the Eye represents a stalk being planted into the ground, an act that involves physical contact and touching, 摸
1 to 2 (1) ➱ 1/2 pair ὅλος 乾坤 (Universe)
1 to 4 (3) ➱ 3/4 pair 乾、蒙 (force humble first-person) ➱ 屯蒙²
1 to 8 (7) ➱ 7/8 pair 乾、比 (force duplication)➱ 師比 (古事記』では萬幡豊秋津師比売命)
1 to 16 (15) ➱ 15/16 pair 乾 、豫 (force berth)➱ 謙豫 (Humble)
1 to 32 (31) ➱ 31/32 pair 乾、恆 (force constant) ➱ 咸恆 (咸恆遯兮及大壯,晉與明夷家人睽; 蹇解損益夬姤萃,升困井革鼎震繼; 艮漸歸妹豐旅巽,兌渙節兮中孚至; 小過既濟兼未濟,是為下經三十四。)
1 to 64 (63) ➱ 63/64 pair ὅλος 乾、未濟 (force incomplete) ➱ 既濟未濟/既未濟 (Unfinished)
Green Valley & 5G
° ∃ THERE EXISTS (existential quantifier/existentialization or existential quantification which is distinct from universal quantification ("for all"), which asserts that the property or relation holds for all members of any domain.
➱ 為
➱ E'Ǝ 為 無為
➱ היה (h-y-h) Hebrew triconsonantal root היה (h-y-h), “to be, become, come to pass”, an archaic form of which is הוה (h-w-h), with a third person masculine y- prefix, equivalent to English “he”. It is connected to Exodus 3:14, where the divinity who spoke with Moses responds to a question about his name by declaring: אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה (Ehyeh asher ehyeh), "I am that I am" or "I will be what I will be" (in Biblical Hebrew, the form of the verb here is not associated with any particular English tense).
➱ ε'3 (Trinity & Triad)
** þaura (saura) & paura (Italian: fear, anxiety, [bad] feeling, from Latin pavor [paveō (“tremble or quake with fear”)])
þ (upper case Þ)
- The letter thorn.
- Romanization of 𐌸
- The thirtieth letter of the Icelandic alphabet, written in the Latin script, the only living language to retain the letter thorn (in Icelandic; þ, pronounced þoddn, [θ̠ɔtn̥] or þordn [θ̠ɔrtn̥]).
- originated from the rune ᚦ in the Elder Fuþark and was called thorn in the Anglo-Saxon and thorn or thurs in the Scandinavian rune poems.
*** Watch, patrol
1 ideogrammic compound (會意): 囟 (“fontanel”) + 心 (“heart”). 囟 started to corrupt into the unrelated 田 as early as the silk script.
² 屯蒙歷史詞典解釋:
①謂蒙昧未開化。唐朱敬則《上武則天疏》: “自文明草昧,天地屯蒙。” 文明: 唐睿宗年號。
②比喻蹇滯、羈留。唐錢起《同鄔戴關中旅寓》詩: “吞悲問唐舉,何路出屯蒙? ” ●《易·序卦》: “有天地,然後萬物生焉,盈天地之間者,唯萬物; 故受之以屯。屯者盈也……物必生蒙,故受之以蒙,蒙者蒙也,物之稚也。” 受: 繼。屯: 難。蒙: 蒙昧,幼稚。 “屯卦”象徵萬物始生、草木萌芽之初,即遇艱難。 “蒙卦”卦像是不明於事物的情況,遇險而止。
屯蒙的解釋 .《易》《屯》卦和《蒙》卦的並稱。萬物初生稚弱貌。隋楊素《贈薛播州》詩:“在昔天地閉,品物屬屯蒙。”《資治通鑑·唐則天后長壽元年》:“自文明草昧,天地屯蒙。” 胡三省注:“屯者物之始,蒙
屯的字典解釋 屯 ú 聚集,儲存:屯糧。屯積。屯聚。駐軍防守:屯兵。屯墾。屯田(駐軍開墾田地)。村莊:皇姑屯。屯子(村莊)。屯 ū 困難:屯蹇(不順利,艱難困苦)。筆劃數:; 部首:屮; 筆順編號:
蒙的字典解釋 蒙 (矇) ē 欺騙:矇騙。蒙哄。蒙事。欺上蒙下。昏迷,眼發黑:蒙頭轉向。胡亂猜測:瞎蒙。受 蒙 (④濛) é 沒有知識,愚昧:啟蒙。發蒙。蒙昧。遮蓋起來:蒙罩。蒙子。蒙蔽。受:承蒙。蒙難
《易.豫》:“大有得,勿疑,朋盍簪。”孔穎達疏:“盍,合也。簪,疾也。若有不疑於物以信待之,則眾陰群朋合聚而疾來也。”後以“朋簪”指朋輩。宋 范仲淹《南京書院題名記》:“不負國家之樂育,不孤師門之禮教
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