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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

(ㄒㄧㄢˊ)  Senex


嵇康, Xi Kang
  • 老子 Lǎozǐ, author of 道德經 Dàodé Jīng
  • 孔夫子 Kǒng Fūzǐ, Confucius, founder of Confucianism
  • सिद्धार्थ गौतम Gautama Buddha, founder of Buddhism
  • Ἡράκλειτος ὁ ἘφέσιοςHērákleitos ho Ephésios
  • Σωκράτης Sōkrátēs
  • Πλάτων Plátōn
  • οἱ ἑπτὰ σοφοί hoi (hepta sophoi, Seven Sages of Greece)
    • Σόλων Sólōn, Solon of Athens
    • Χίλων ὁ Λακεδαιμόνιος, Chilon of Sparta
    • Θαλῆς (ὁ Μιλήσιος), Thalēs, Thales of Miletus
    • Βίας ὁ Πριηνεύς, Bias of Priene
    • Κλεόβουλος ὁ Λίνδιος, Kleoboulos ho Lindios, Cleobulus of Lindos
    • Πιττακός ὁ ΜυτιλήνηMytilíni, Pittacus of Mitylene
    • Περίανδρος ὁ ΚόρινθοςKórinthos, Periander of Corinth
  • 竹林七賢 Zhúlín Qī XiánSeven Sages of the Bamboo Grove
    • 阮籍Ruǎn Jí
    • 嵇康, Xi Kang
    • 劉伶, Liu Ling
    • 山濤, Shan Tao
    • 阮咸, Ruan Xian
    • 向秀, Xiang Xiu
    • 王戎, Wang Rong
  • सप्तर्षि (saptarṣī), "seven sages"
  • नवरत्न (nava-ratna), or ‘nine gems’ Navaratnas
  • Abraham, Moses, and Solomon in Judeo-Christian tradition
  • פְּרִישַׁיָּא‎, "set apart, separated" the Rabbis (רב‎ rav), or תנאים,Tannaim (Sages) of Talmudic lore (תַּלְמוּד‎ Tálmūḏ)
    • יוחנן בן זכאי‎‎, Yohanan ben Zakkai
    • הִלֵּל‎ Hīllēl; Hillel I
    • שמאי, Shammai
  • 姜子牙, Jiāng Zǐyá, a genius and patient old man. He was well known as a legendary military strategist and the most famous Prime Minister of 周 the Zhou Dynasty of China.
  • 阮秉謙, Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, also known as the White Cloud Hermit. He is a saint of 道高臺 (Đạo Cao Đài),the Cao Dai religion and the most prominent person of Vietnam history in the 16th century.
  • 戴满安, Ashin Jinarakkhita, also known as 師公 Sukong or Grandmaster, or Bhante Ashin, Tizheng Lao Heshang 體正老和尚,. He was an Indonesian Buddhist monk who was instrumental in the revival of Buddhism in Indonesia.
  • Zaraθuštra, "he who can manage camels" Zarathustra, اوستا the Persian Avestan sage with a dualist cosmology and theogony in perpetual tension between good and evil.


Merlin instructing a young knight, from The Idylls of the King
  • Μέντωρ, Méntōr (Ὀδυσεύς, Ὀdysseús), in Greek mythology
  • Myrddin, Merlin from the Matter of Britain and the legends of King Arthur
  • Νέστωρ Γερήνιος, NestōrGerēnios, Nestor from ἸλιάςIliásIliad
  • Τειρεσίας, Teiresias, Tiresias from (Ὀδυσεύς, Ὀdysseús), the OdysseyΟἰδίπους ΤύραννοςOedipus Rex, and other Greek myths
  • 𒌓𒍣, Utnapishtim, from the Epic of 𒀭𒉋𒂵𒈩, Bilgamesh, Gilgamesh
  • Mímir, in Norse mythology
  • Χείρων "hand", Chiron from ἸλιάςIliásThe Iliad
  • ᚢᚦᛁᚾ, Óðinn, Odin, in Norse mythology
  • 黃石公 'Yellow Rock Old Man' Huang Shigong, semi-mythological figure and Taoist hermit who gave 黃石公三略 (Huáng Shígōng Sān Lüè) the Three Strategies of Huang Shigong to 張良 Zhang Liang


  • Albus Dumbledore, from Harry Potter
  • Gandalf, from The Lord of the Rings
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda, from Star Wars
  • Iroh from Avatar: The Last Airbender
  • Alfred Pennyworth, from Batman
  • Mr Miyagi, from The Karate Kid
  • Master Oogway, from Kung Fu Panda
  • Rafiki, from The Lion King
  • Master Splinter, from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  • Dungeon Master, from Dungeons & Dragons

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