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Sunday, January 17, 2021

"G" in the East Denotes Geometry, God & Gnosis

To 元宸, 元辰宮 (the Yuán chén Palace)
a Daoist Astral Journey to experience & alter Fate

A technique from Daoism:
  • said to have been a gift from 九天玄女 the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady, Jiu Tian Xuan Nu teacher of 皇帝 Huangdi & disciple of 西王母 ⸢瑤池金母/金母元君⸥ Xi Wangmu the Queen Mother of the West, 玄女 "Dark Lady" who bestowed various objects and artefacts to 皇帝. The following is a few of the listed items:
  1. The Talismans of the Martial Tokens of the Six Jia Cyclicals and the Six Ren Cyclicals (六甲六甲兵信之符)
  2. The Book by which the Five Emperors of the Numinous Treasure Force Ghosts & Spirits into Service (靈寶五帝策使鬼神之書)
  3. The Seal of the Five Bright-Shiners for Regulating Demons & Communicating with Spirits (制妖通靈五明之印)
  4. The Formula of the Five Yin and Five Yang for Concealing the Jia Cyclicals (五陰五陽遁[甲]之式)
  5. Charts for Grabbing the Mechanism of Victory and Defeat of the Grand Unity from the Ten Essences and Four Spirits (太一十精四神勝負握機之圖)
  6. Charts of the Five Marchmounts & the Four Holy Rivers (五[嶽]河圖)
  7. Instructions in the Essentials of Divining Slips (策精之訣)
A set of Daoist text, produced after the Tang dynasty, associate the goddess with magical capabilities, such as the skill of invisibility (隱身) and the method of mobilizing the stars of the Northern Dipper to protect the state. The Lingbao Liuding Mifa (靈寶六丁秘法, "Secret Lingbao Method Concerning the Spirits of the Six Ding Days") specifies that Jiutian Xuannü's magic is martial in origin.

九天玄女 Jiutian Xuannü has the ability to magically conceal the body and her power is exercised through the Six Ding Jade Maidens (六丁玉女) who are her acolytes. According to 靈寶六丁秘法, the Lingbao Liuding Mifa, the Jade Maidens perform specific tasks during the concealment:
  • the Jade Maiden of Dingmao (丁卯玉女) conceals one's physical body,
  • the Jade Maiden of Dingsi (丁巳玉女) conceals one's destiny,
  • the Jade Maiden of Dinghai (丁亥玉女) conceals one's fortune,
  • the Jade Maiden of Dingyou (丁酉玉女) conceals 魂 one's hún soul,
  • the Jade Maiden of Dingwei (丁未玉女) conceals 魄 one's pò soul,
  • and the Jade Maiden of Dingchou (丁丑玉女) conceals one's spirit.

Achieving invisibility is seen as a military strategy to defeat enemies and protect the state, as the text claims that practitioners must first learn to conceal their bodies if they hope to expel evil and return to righteousness. The goddess and the six maidens together represent the yin force in the universe, which is believed to directly result in the concealment of the body, linking their magic of invisibility with their femininity.

秘藏通玄變化六陰洞微遁甲真經, the Mì cáng tōng xuán biànhuà liù yīn dòng wēi dùnjiǎ zhēn jīng, written in the early Northern Song period, gives an incantation associated with 九天玄女 Jiutian Xuannü. By reciting this incantation and performing the paces of Yu (禹步), invisibility to others was said to be achieved. In the Baopu Zi (抱朴子" Book of the Master Who Embraces Simplicity" or "Master of the Uncarved Block"), written by 葛洪 (Ge Hong, b. 283), the paces of Yu are described as elements of the divinatory system of dùnjiǎ (奇門遁甲, 遁甲, translated "Hidden Stem""Evading Stems") from which the immediate position in the space-time structure of 六丁the six Dīng could be calculated. 六丁the six Dīng are the spirits who are responsible for the position of the irregular gate (奇門), which represents a rift in the universe. The irregular gate must be approached by performing the paces of Yu and serves as the entrance to the emptiness of the otherworld in which invisibility to evil influences is achieved.

巫醫 "Medium Healing; shamanic medicine"

In this special meditational cultivation the practitioner, after calling her/his patron gods and chanting other incantations, has the soul directed to enter the Yuanchen Palace.
But what is 元辰宮 Yuán chén gōng Palace?

"宴會散去, 姜元辰 靜坐 (超覺靜坐, transcendental meditation) 宮中,突然身邊出現一團黃光, 慕容婉兒 驅使 后土 牌封印 紫微宮,蒙蔽 天機 。"

元辰宮是什麼? 這該如何是好?觀元辰宮到底是怎麼一回事,能不能改運? 元辰宮能不能改運呢?當然是能!至於觀元辰宮到底是怎麼一回事,這就得慢慢說道了。   作為一個從小接受唯物主義教育的人來說,一開始接觸元辰宮,不加懷疑,才是不符合常理的。 光臨元辰宮的世界。
首先,元辰宮是什麼? 要講明白元辰宮是什麼,我們先要探討一個維度問題。我們處於三維空間裡,更高維度我們是看不到的。

觀元神是什麼?   元辰也叫元神,是本來的那個我,自性裡的東西。元辰宮,字面意思就是元神居住的宮殿。實際上,元辰宮是靈魂在跟我們肉身不同的緯度的投射。也可以說是居所。   三維空間裡,我們的每個人的元神是藏在我們的肉體裡,因此三維空間裡的"元辰宮"就是我們這個身體。我們的外貌本身是內在元神的反映。這就是面相等學問可以從一個人的外貌看出這個人的運氣甚至是整個人生的軌跡的原因。您有看過《傀儡人生》(Being John Malkovich)「1999年,台灣片名<變腦>」這部電影嗎?您會看到同一具身體,不同的靈魂進入其中,展現出來的氣場和氣質截然不同,演繹出的也是絕不一樣的人生結果。   通過進入更高維次的靈魂居所,也可以如相面一樣,看出這個人的運勢等人生狀況。這更高層次的所在,也即我們今天講的元辰宮。通過進入這個所在,來瞭解這個人的人生,並做調整,以改變三維空間裡的存有所處的狀態,這個方法,也即我們所講的觀元辰宮法門。

觀元辰宮是什麼法門?   觀元辰宮,“觀”字,就是關照、照見之意。但並非是肉眼的看見。從本質上講,觀元辰宮是一個內觀修行的法門 (“觀” विपश्यना vipaśyanā)。   觀元神宮,我們內在的眼耳鼻舌身意,都可以被激發調動。每個人的根器不同,剛開始,是看見圖畫、聽見聲音還是聞到氣味,那就要看這個人哪個覺更靈敏。不管動用的是哪個覺,都算是觀到。隨著修行的深入,會達到跟現實類似的狀態,所有的覺識都會啟動。   通過在元辰宮裡觀到的情況和個人的需要,做相應的調整,成果會在三維空間我們的現實生活中顯現。當然,現實生活中,您也需要根據元辰宮裡的情況做一些飲食、行為上的調整,來助力顯化。千萬別抱著僥倖的心理,想到有個法門,讓您不勞而獲。如果有這樣的心思,估計在這個世界上,您是註定要失望甚至絕望了。   這個法門,用道家的話說是九天玄女娘娘所傳。九天玄女娘娘則是第九維空間的存有,我們可以稱為神。有些道緣深厚之人,會直接與玄女娘娘連接,下載此法門。而更多的人,則是需要通過跟隨三維空間的老師進行學習。   網上所見資料,一般都說,這是道家的傳統法門。現在傳統的道家觀元辰宮,還帶有濃厚的宗教色彩。但實際上,這個法門是超越宗教的,並不屬於任何一個宗教所特有。佛教裡,六祖禪師慧能大師的師兄神秀大師有個出名的偈子:身如菩提樹,心如明鏡台。時時勤拂拭,莫使惹塵埃。此處的菩提樹、明鏡台,其實是在講元辰宮裡的事。元辰宮裡的生命樹,反應的是身體情況,明鏡台,則能照見真實的心。佛教經典《華嚴經》的《普門品》中講,觀世音菩薩是隨緣度化眾生,眾生當以何身得度,觀音菩薩即現何身。觀元辰宮這個法門也一樣,法是相同的根。至於後世人是用何種方式來傳承法,只要不走入歧途,都是一樣的。如同佛教不同宗派,採用不同的方式修行,但所傳的都是釋迦牟尼的法一樣。你是從哪裡結緣的,與你的緣分有關,並不重要,重要的是,您找到的是正宗、正道的傳承。

In the Daoist way of thought, there is an interdimensional house or palace of the real us, the real soul, a kind of dream nexus where the soul can be read to identify the fate and destiny of the individual.

If successful when the ritual is done and the soul projected into the 元辰宮 Yuán chén gōng (Palace) the consciousness of the Daoist seems to be in a landscape with a house. If, for example, the practitioner is a woman whose marriage seems to be on the rocks, as she enters the house, her Guardian deity can look sad and she observes that there is no fruits or offerings on her altar table. Mentally she subsequently creates magnificent fruits and places them on the altar. Then she walks into the bedroom which is the symbol of marriage where there is a single bed with a single pair of shoes on the floor. There seems to be a picture of another semi-naked woman on the wall. The room is stuffy and dark. It is reflecting the conditions present in the destiny of her soul. Inwardly she cleans up that mess. She replaces the picture of the other woman with one of herself, transforms the bed into a kingsize fourposter and opens the window and curtains to allow fresh air and qi to pour in.
After such an experience, in 'real' life she shall find that things are improving, especially in her relationships.
觀元辰宮師, Masters of Guan Yuan Gong, even employ 風水 Fēngshuǐ and techniques of talismanic magic to improve fate. This can be used in diagnosing illness and even magical problems. For instance, in exploring the house he may find 'black 'talismans in the house or even ghosts or other entities.
A fascinating and useful technique of Daoism in action.















這裏說的玄女,就是《山海經》裏說的女魑, 也就是九天玄女娘娘。









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