Double G Dance
(Confer January 7t, 2021 q.v.)
Pueraria lobata Monoceros' five scabbards
Pueraria Montana var. lobata, has Hepatoprotective effects that are attributed to its antioxidant activity, which restores the activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase to normal levels, and increases glutathione content and levels of lipid peroxidation and hydroperoxides in the liver.
puéraire (Botanical) Perennial plants of the Fabaceae family, native to the Far East.
lobāta, from Middle French lobe in early 16th century, from New Latin lobus (“a lobe”/"ad extremum auriculae"), from Ancient Greek λοβός (lobós, “the lobe of the ear or of the liver, the pod of a leguminous plant”) ⟾ 2-5 lobes (brain/liver/vagus)
Kannonshō-Ji in Azuchi, Omihachiman, Shiga prefecture, Japan.
下馬: Dismount
- 仁王 (niō): the two guardian Deva kings, 仁王 (Niō) or 金剛力士 (Kongōrikishi) statues, in Kyoto prefecture of Japan, are interpreted as saying the start (open mouth) and the end (closed mouth) of the syllable "Oṃ, ॐ, ओ३म् • O 3 M • AUMं ओम् • AUM" ओंकार (oṃkāra, “om, aum”) adopted by हिंदुओं Hindus which translated means “the primordial sound from which the universe was manifest,” shortened to ॐ (oṃ).
जैन कालचक्र • Jain Cosmic time Cycle
जैन कालचक्र दो भाग में विभाजित है: उत्सर्पिणी और अवसर्पिणी
The Jain Kalachakra is divided into two parts: उत्सर्पिणी• (Utsarpiṇī) & अवसर्पिणी • (avasarpiṇī) a time cycle denoting descent.
सर्पिणी • (sarpiṇī) female serpent
सर्पः sarpaḥ: snake/serpent
- अवसर्पिणी, the transitional"going or gliding down gradually", a descending period of long duration and alternating with the "ascending one" (ut-sarpiṇī-; both the ascending[ ut-s-]and descending[ ava-s-]cycle are divided into six stages each: good-good, good, good-bad, bad-good, bad, bad-bad)
- उत्सर्पिणी "the ascending cycle"(divided into six stages beginning with bad-bad time and rising upwards in the reverse order to ava-sarpiṇi-.)
कुण्डली kuṇḍalinī
- a form of दुर्गा Durgā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) दुर्गा (literary) ‘the inaccessible or terrific goddess’, daughter of हिमवत् (Himavat, the Himalayas) and wife of शिव śivá, “the auspicious one.
- a particular dish (curds boiled with ghee and rice) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
- the plant Cocculus cordifolius (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
- [rel.] name of Devī
कुण्डलिन् (-नी f.)
-1 Decorated with ear-rings.
-2 Circular, spiral.
-3 Winding, coiling (as a serpent).
-1 A snake. वामाङ्गीकृतवामाङ्गि कुण्डलीकृतकुण्डलि Udb.
-2 A peacock.
-3 An epithet of वरुण Varuṇa, and of शिव Śiva.
-4 The spotted or painted deer.
-5 The golden mountain; काञ्चनाद्रौ सर्पे पुंसि तु कुण्डली
-नी A form of दुर्गा Durgā or शक्ति Śakti.
-2 N. of a नाडी in Yoga. कुण्डली kuṇḍalī कुण्डलिका kuṇḍalikā कुण्डली कुण्डलिका A kind of sweetmeat (Mar. जिलेबी.)
कुण्डलीकृत kuṇḍalīkṛta a. Forming a ring, coiled.
Udb. -कुण्डलीकरणम् Bending a bow so as to form a circle.
कुण्डलीभूत kuṇḍalībhūta (HeliX) forming a ring, curled, moving in circles
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