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Thursday, January 14, 2021

When the benevolent effects of the nights 
Permeate the weft and warp of the days.

« Et nous avons des nuits plus belles que vos jours »
— lettre XIV de Jean Racine à Mlle Vitart du .
Prends garde à la douceur des choses
Mes nuits sont plus belles que vos jours
— Raphaële Billetdoux, 1976 & 1985


(The decay of manners)

When the Great Dao (Way or Method) ceased to be observed, benevolence and righteousness came into vogue. (Then) appeared wisdom and shrewdness, and there ensued great hypocrisy.
When harmony no longer prevailed throughout the six kinships, filial sons found their manifestation;
when the states and clans fell into disorder, loyal ministers appeared.

When the Great Dao is abandoned, then patronage, condescension and righteousness make their appearance;
When knowledge and learning appear, then hypocrites and pretenders make their appearance also;
It is when closest blood relations are at strife with one another that we have talks of dutiful children and devoted parents;
It is not until the country is racked with strife and disorder that they patriots spring up.
But in the Dao is balance;
And when the Dao is abandoned, what conflicts!

stupeō: Soul Shock 2 Stupor (I 'M Stoned, GroGGy [3Gs]°➣ 收魂咒 Shōu hún zhòu: Collect Soul Spell (收魂符)

Many cultures recognize a condition called "soul loss", which can occur when traumatic events have fragmented a person's sense of being to the point of depression, fatigue, confusion and a loss of centre.

In our society, anyone can suffer from a form of soul loss too, and it doesn't necessarily take a specific event or trauma to precipitate it. The unstable and dehumanizing conditions of many aspects of modern life cause the soul to be separated in degrees. A lifetime of compromise, hardship and frustration can also bring about this state of alienation.

It is easier then, to call our lost bits of soul and self home from the far corners of the astral world; i.e. calling or "singing" the soul back home into the totality rather than to go searching for it, especially in faraway "places" where it is never ever found.

A focal candle in some central place is to be lit it as one utters the following incantation:

收魂咒 Shōu hún zhòu: Collect Soul Spell (收魂符)

I call myself back to myself,
wandering soul, and wandering selves,
and missing fragments of soul and self.

I bid you return to me now, soul, and self, and spirit,
Unite with me - heart, mind and body.
I call you through corridors of time and space and being.
Fly swiftly home through days and years and seasons and cycles past.
Drawn in, gathered in, invited back, home to warmth, and home to love,
and home to light and comfort.

Rejoin me now, be one with me,
whole in self and soul and spirit!
So it is, and so it shall be.

Recalling My Soul

I call to my soul
to come home to me
to return, reunite
to heal and to free
me now from the shock aftermaths
and bring back my sun
so my true life my real life
now has begun.
By mountain and vale,
by land and by sea,
I call to my soul,
to come home to me
Bring my soul and my power
so that I may grow
'tis my will and my want
now make it so.

    • Gilles: Capable, Nervous, Rich and Humble, Creative, Loves to Read and Research
    • Colour of Gilles name: Blue
    • Number of letters of Gilles: 6
    • G: Stubborn                    G: 07
    • I: Zany                              I:  09
    • L: Energetic                     L: 12
    • L: Energetic                     L: 12
    • E: Victorious                    E: 05
    • S: Innovative                   S: 19
    • Total                                 64 ⇢ X ⇢ 一 
    • Gerard: Capable, Creative, Warrior, High ability of Persuasion, Successful in Business
    • Colour of Gerard name: Blue
    • Number of letters of Gerard: 6
    • G: Stubborn                     G: 07
    • E: Victorious                    E: 05
    • R: Calm, Quiet                 R: 18
    • A: Thoughtful                   A: 01
    • R: Calm, Quiet                 R: 18
    • D: Naughty                       D: 04
    • Total                                  =   53 ⇢ ∞ ⇢ 八 捌
    • Georges Name Capable, Creative, Humble, Warrior, Loves to Read and Research
    • Colour of Georges name: Blue
    • Number of letters of Georges: 7
    • G: Stubborn                      G: 07
    • E: Victorious                     E: 05
    • O: Dignified                       O: 15
    • R: Calm, Quiet                   R: 18
    • G: Stubborn                       G: 07
    • E: Victorious                      E: 05
    • S: Innovative                     S: 19
    • Total                                    76 ⇢ XIII ⇢ 四 肆
    • Gray Character Analysis: Logical, introverted, Pleasant, Obedient, Joyous, Excited
    • Colour of Gray name: Blue
    • Number of letters of GRAY: 4
    • G: Innovative                     G: 07
    • R: Brave in Business        R: 18
    • A: Discreet                         A: 01
    • Y: Brave, Smart                  Y: 25
    • Total                                    51 ⇢ VI ⇢ 六 陸
    • GD Θώθ ToT      = 244 ⇢ X ⇢ 一 

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