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Thursday, January 21, 2021

 道 & Kος

תוהו ובוהו, from תֹהוּ‎ (tóhu, “nothingness, void”) + בֹּהוּ‎ (bóhu, “emptiness, desolation”)

וְהָאָ֗רֶץ הָיְתָ֥ה תֹ֙הוּ֙ וָבֹ֔הוּ וְחֹ֖שֶׁךְ עַל־פְּנֵ֣י תְהֹ֑ום וְר֣וּחַ אֱלֹהִ֔ים מְרַחֶ֖פֶת עַל־פְּנֵ֥י הַמָּֽיִם‎

— Genesis 1:2, Westminster Leningrad Codex

Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

— Genesis 1:2, New International Version

The words tohu and bohu also occur in parallel in Isaiah 34:11, which the King James Version translates with the words "confusion" and "emptiness".

The two Hebrew words are properly segolates, spelt "tohuw" and "bohuw".
Hebrew "tohuw" translates to "wasteness, that which is laid waste, desert; emptiness, vanity; nothing". 
"Tohuw" is frequently used in the Book of Isaiah in the sense of "vanity", but "bohuw" occurs nowhere else in the Hebrew Bible (outside of Genesis 1:2, the passage in Isaiah 34:11 mentioned above, and in Jeremiah 4:23, which is a reference to Genesis 1:2), its use alongside tohu being mere paronomasia, and is given the equivalent translation of "emptiness, voidness".

《道德經 - 第二十五章》


(Representations of the mystery)

There was something undefined and complete, coming into existence before Heaven and Earth.
How still it was and formless, standing alone and undergoing no change, reaching everywhere and in no danger (of being exhausted)!
It may be regarded as the Mother of all things.
I do not know its name, and I give it the designation of the Dao (the Way or Course).
Making an effort (further) to give it a name I call it The Great.
Great, it passes on (in constant flow).
Passing on, it becomes remote. Having become remote, it returns.
Therefore the Dao is great; Heaven is great; Earth is great, and the (sage) king is also great.
In the universe, there are four that are great, and the (sage) king is one of them.
Man takes his law from the Earth; the Earth takes its law from Heaven; Heaven takes its law from the Dao.
The law of the Dao is its being what it is.


    Before Heaven and Earth came into existence
    There was That which though formless was complete.
    Silent! Still! Unfathomable!
    It stands alone, unchanging!
    All-pervading, inexhaustible!
    One may think of it as the Mother of the Universe.
    What its real name is I do not know:
    If I name it, I call it the Tao.
    If I classify it, I call it Supreme.
    Supreme means ever in a flow;
    Ever inflow means going far away;
    Going far away means returning to the source.
    Therefore we may say:
    The Tao is supreme;
    Heaven too is supreme;
    The Earth is supreme.
    A ruler of men may also be supreme.
    There are four things that are supreme, and a ruler of men is one of them.
    Man follows the standards of the Earth;
    The Earth follows the standards of Heaven;
    Heaven follows the standards of the Tao.
    The Tao follows its own standard.








此處之“有”,可視為天地已經各施其職的原始狀態。 “無”可視為天地未判、合而為一的狀態。














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