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Friday, January 1, 2021

V (2༳21)

K                                                                           X                                                                              K'
ד                                                                                י                                                                             ג ח                                                                               ו                                                                            ח
-90°                                                                         0                                                                           +90°
        3(3)                                                                  X                                                                   3(4)          4(4) Coupling / Coming to meet / Meet ⤝   互卦  ⤞ Displacement / Parting / Revelation 4(3)
20200629 (XXI = 三)   20201228 (XVII = 八) ⭲ 20210628 (XXI = 三) + 1 (四)
0 + 183 + 183
Balance in Red/Yellow & Gray Shift
天地          天地之間         天地

(The use of emptiness)

Heaven and earth do not act from (the impulse of) any wish to be benevolent; they deal with all things as the dogs of grass are dealt with. The sages do not act from (any wish to be) benevolent; they deal with the people as the dogs of grass are dealt with.
May not the space between heaven and earth be compared to a bellows?
'Tis emptied, yet it loses not its power;
'Tis moved again and sends forth air the more.
Much speech to swift exhaustion lead we see;
Your inner being guard, and keep it free.


Heaven and Earth do not claim to be kindhearted or pitiful.
To them, all things and all creatures are as straw dogs brought to the sacrifice and afterwards discarded.
Nor is the Sage kindhearted or pitiful.
To him, the people are as straw dogs.
But the space between Heaven and Earth may be likened to a bellows:
It seems empty, and yet it gives all that is required of it.
The more it is worked, the more it yields.
Whereas the force puffed up by words is soon exhausted.
Better to hold fast to that which dwells within the heart.

דיג pêche / fishing
גיד tendon / sinew (vein, nerve, penis)

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